Page 392 - YC Cooking School
P. 392

A few notes on basmati rice

             Remember the ratio
             A simple ratio for cooking basmati rice is two cups of rice to three cups of water. There’s no

             need to heat the water first – just put it all into the pot on medium heat. Swirl the water to
             distribute the rice evenly so it doesn’t clump together.

             Add the seasoning early
             This will give it a chance to dissolve and be absorbed by the rice as it fluffs up.

             Getting a perfect consistency
             Depending on a number of factors, like the type of stove and pot you’re using, it should take
             15–20 minutes for the basmati rice to absorb the water, and get light and fluffy. The idea
             with basmati rice is to cook it without interfering with it. You'll know it's ready when all the

             water has been absorbed. Before serving, make sure you loosen and fluff up the rice.

             Learn to cook online at

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