Page 444 - YC Cooking School
P. 444

cream and caramel filling, or even with buttercream and pieces of roughly chopped berries

             for a slightly tart flavour.

             Tips for assembling the chocolate yule log

             Keep the marquise at room temperature
             This will allow you to spread it out evenly over the cake base. Using an offset spatula to do
             this will stand you in good stead.

             Leave a space at the the beginning and end of the cake base

             This will prevent the marquise from oozing out.

             Once rolled into a log shape, pop it into the fridge
             Do this for a few minutes so that the marquise hardens slightly before you cut off the ends.
             If the marquise is too soft, it will spoil the ‘wood-grain’ look of the branches.

             Rolling the roulade
             Place the sponge base in front of you in the direction you’re going to roll it. Using the baking
             paper beneath the sponge to guide the process, carefully and gently roll the sponge over
             the chocolate marquise, separating it from the baking paper as you go. For help with this,

             watch Franck’s video demonstration. Rome wasn’t built in a day, so don’t be shy to watch it a
             few times if you need to. If you’ve prepared the baking tray correctly, this step should be
             easy peasy.

             Turn it into a winter wonderland
             Use a small offset spatula to create a look reminiscent of textured bark on the outside of the

             roulade. Place fresh, bright red berries on top of the icing and a mint leaf here and there for
             a fresh touch of green. As a final flourish, dust the chocolate log (especially the berries) with
             icing sugar for an elegant snowcapped look. Most importantly, remember to hum your
             favourite Christmas carol as you work.

             Save time and make it in advance
             Once you’ve made your chocolate log, it will easily keep in the fridge for a few days. You  can
             even freeze it as long as you use a large, sealed container. Remember that the flavour and
             texture of this dessert is best at room temperature, so allow plenty of time before your feast
             for it to defrost.

             Cheat sheet for this lesson’s recipes

             Ingredient substitutions, shortcuts and time-saving tips

               1.  If you’re not a fan of chocolate, no problem! Use a cream and caramel filling or a
                   buttercream with berries in its place.

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