Page 5 - OK to Proceed - Ch 3 The Role of Digital Media in Medical Education
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model) may encourage learners to skip in-person       SAFETY PEARLS
      sessions. This could lead to a dramatic reduction in
      interaction between members of a class or team,    >     Technology is transforming classrooms physically
      and thus a loss of group cohesion.                    (computers, interactive white boards) and peda-
          Instructional tools and environments utilizing    gogically (flipped classroom).
      multimedia technology are not intended to replace
      the traditional classroom, but to complement and   >       Multimedia can present complex information using
      enhance the learning experience. In the broadest      mixed media forms.
      sense, technology can play an instrumental role in
      connecting the traditionally static classroom to the   >       Information retention and transfer are improved
      dynamic clinical setting. Medical classrooms of the   when instruction utilizes multimedia technology.
      future will be interactive, individualized, adaptive,
      and fully supported by realistic simulation. Ultimately,  >     Simulation technology has significantly advanced
      it is the instructors’ responsibility to understand   the quality and safety of health care.
      technology and how it can best be utilized in light of
      curricular goals and the specific needs of students.   >     Multimedia technology allows for the easy, rapid,
          This book, which is accompanied by an inno-       and low-cost distribution of knowledge.
      vative set of digital materials, exemplifies Boston
      Medical Center’s commitment to championing the
      issue of patient safety.
          It is our hope that this collaborative effort, which
      draws on the latest educational theories and scien-
      tific research, will help advance the quest to improve
      patient safety for all.

               A resident reviewing a digital teaching module.

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