Page 27 - Litter Toolkit
P. 27


          Fast food

        Fast food includes all food and drinks that are     Fast food litter tends to be difficult to recycle, either   The Eco-Committee has reported the problem has
        prepared and served quickly, and sold to be consumed   because the packaging is made from more than     been eradicated due to the zero-tolerance policy and
        immediately – generally on the move, either walking   one material, or because it is contaminated by food   the fun campaign alongside it.
        or in a vehicle. Fast food litter includes any food   residues. Some items of fast food packaging, such as
        that is left, it’s packaging, including polystyrene and   ‘clam shells’ and cups are made from foam polystyrene  Similarly, Y Pant School in Rhondda Cynon Taf had the
        cardboard containers, paper wrappers, plastic film,   which is not widely recycled and is lightweight which   same pizza box problem and after consultation with
        cutlery, drinks cups/lids and straws. Examples include   makes it easily transported by wind and water. It   the canteen staff banished boxes altogether. Result!
        fish and chips, pizzas, burgers, wrapped sandwiches   also breaks down into small pieces making it hard to
        and take away coffees.                              clean, and, like most fast food litter, it stays in the   At Bryn Celynog Comprehensive School in Rhondda
                                                            environment for a long time.                        Cynon Taf, a hotspot clean-up after lunch collected
        People across Wales have identified fast food                                                           50 items of fast food litter and 24 bottles and cans in a
        packaging as the type of litter which has the most   Fast food packaging is very popular among children   small area of their school grounds.
        negative impact on the look and feel of an area. In   and young people, which makes this an especially
        2016-17, Keep Wakes Tidy’s Street Cleanliness Surveys   relevant and important issue for schools to tackle.
        showed that fast food litter was present on an average
        of 18.1% of our streets. Fast food cups were present on   School example
        5.9% of streets.
                                                            Llantwit Major School sells pizzas from the canteen.
        Fast food litter is a serious issue. It attracts rats, which   The Eco-Committee realised that the pizza box
        is a threat to health as they can carry harmful diseases.  containers had turned into a litter problem for the
        Pigeons, gulls and other birds are also becoming a   school after counting 45 boxes in the school grounds
        problem as a result of discarded fast food and there   in one day alone. They decided to act and came up with
        have been reports of them attacking people for food.  actions to try to solve the problem, including: a video
                                                            and song called ‘What did the box say?’; naming and
        Gulls often turn up in school grounds, especially   shaming by writing names on the boxes at the time of
        around break times when there tends to be a lot of   purchase; year group assemblies; information given
        food waste present which hasn’t been disposed of    out at form tutor time; and a ban on taking boxes out
        correctly; although gulls are also known to take food   of the canteen area.
        from our bins.                                                                                                                             continued over...
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