Page 4 - Day of Action
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        Welcome to the Keep Wales Tidy Day of Action        The programme is designed to empower and inspire
        resource for schools.                               young people to make positive environmental
                                                            changes to their school and wider community,
        This resource has been created to help schools plan   while building on their key skills and encompassing
        and develop a Day of Action, give good practise     Education for Sustainable Development and Global
        guidance and highlight ideas for activities through   Citizenship.
        some of the Eco-Schools topics, namely: Litter;
        School Grounds; Waste Minimisation and Water and    Eco-Schools is student-led, which means young
        Energy.                                             people drive and deliver the programme. They
                                                            investigate, monitor and evaluate their actions
        Keep Wales Tidy believes that it is important for   through the international seven step process to bring
        young people to be involved in action days and      about positive behaviour change.
        campaigns. Pupil voice is paramount and young
        people can take ownership of their event and be
        supported to make a real difference.

        The activities included in this resource can also
        support schools through their Eco-Schools journey
        and the work produced can be used as evidence
        towards gaining Eco-Schools accreditation.

        What is Eco-Schools?

        Eco-Schools is an international environmental
        education programme developed by the Foundation
        for Environmental Education (FEE). More than 60
        countries around the world run Eco-Schools and here
        in Wales it is managed by Keep Wales Tidy.
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