Page 10 - The Huckleberry People Catalog 2019
P. 10

BEER JELLY/SUGARFREE/NO SUGAR ADDED                                                                                   H O N E Y

                                                                     9o z   B ee r   J e l l y

                                              W   e are now offering a light beer jelly (lager).Its
                                              great taste makes it a popular with beer lovers.

                                                 J9-17        Light Beer Jelly              $3.60 / $43.20


      No   S ug ar   A d d e d   Wi l d   H uc kl eb e r r y        S u g a r   F r e e   Ta f f y   ( N t   W t : 8 o z )
                          S y r u p   an d   P re se r v e s        I n  addition  to  offering  no  sugar  added

                                                                    preserves  and  syrup,  The  Huckleberry
                          W   hen  your  customers  ask  “          People offers two kinds of sugar free taffy
                          Do  you  have  anything  sugar            in 8 oz bags.
                          free ?” The answer is “Yes!” and
                          it  tastes  good  too.  We  do  not
                          substitute sugar with any artifi-
                          cial sweetener to make our pre-
                          serves and syrup.

          S10-SF1                       J9-SF1                            TAFF-01SF                TAFF-100SF
                                                                                     12 items per case
                      12 items per case
                                                                   TAFF-01SF      Sugar Free 8 oz Wild Huckleberry  $3.95
    S10-SF1     10 oz Wild Huckleberry  Syrup     $4.50            TAFF-100SF     Sugar Free 8 oz Wild Berry Taffy    $3.95
    J9-SF1      9 oz Wild Huckleberry Preserves   $4.50

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