Page 14 - The Huckleberry People Catalog 2019
P. 14

H O T   S A U C E S                                                B E E R   B R E A D   I N   A   B O T T L E

                                           Ha b a n er o  Ho t  Sa u c e   ( N t   W t :  3 . 5   oz )

                                                            O  ur Habanero Hot Sauces  are 100% natural.

                                                              There are no artificial preservatives and no
                                                              extracts to artificially increase the heat. The
                                                              result is a remarkable combination of unique fla-
                                                              vors and heat.

                                                              Habanero Hot Sauce: Hot 9,000 - 10,000

                                                                                 12 per case
                                                           HS5-78   3.5oz Habanero           $2.45/$29.40

        J a l a p e n o   H o t   S a u c e   ( N t   W t :   3 . 5   o z )

       O  ur Jalapeno Hot Sauces  are 100% natural.

      There are no artificial preservatives and no
      extracts to artificially increase the heat. The
      result is a remarkable combination of unique fla-
      vors and heat.

      Jalapeno Hot Sauce: Medium 1,000-1,400
                           12 per case
      HS5-73   3.5 oz Jalapeno            $2.45/$29.40


      Huckeberry Chipotle Hot Sauce (Nt Wt: 3.5 oz)                   Ghost Peppers Hot Sauce (Nt Wt: 3.5 oz)

                         O   ur Huckleberry chipotle sauce

                          is the perfect combination of
                          wild huckleberry and  spice to

                          complement everything you
                          want to grill, bake or fry.

                                  12 per case

                          HS5-01CHP      Huckleberry Chipotle Sauce   HS5-GP   3.5 oz Ghost Pepper
                                         $3.25/$39.00                            $2.45/$29.40

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