Page 12 - The Huckleberry People Catalog 2019
P. 12

B B Q   S A U C E S

                                                                               And Taste Great With
                          Best With
                                                                                  Everything Else.

                                       W i l d   Hu c k l e b e r r y   B B Q   S au c e s   ( 12 o z )

                            U   se our Wild Huckleberry BBQ Sauce and Wild Huckleberry Brown

                             Ale  BBQ Sauce as glaze or marinade on any meat, poultry or fish.
                             Make your favorite BBQ meal taste a little wild.

                                                       12 items per case
                                  BBQ-1          Wild Huckleberry            $3.25/$39.00
                                  BBQ1-17      Huckleberry Brown Ale         $3.25/$39.00
                                  MGBBQ1-17  Huckleberry Brown Ale           $3.25/$39.00
                                                  (Moose  Grub  Label)

                                                                  B r ow n  A l e  B B Q   Sa u c e   ( 1 2 oz )

                                                      O  ur Brown Ale BBQ Sauce is the perfect complement to
                                                       any BBQ party.

                                                                             12 items per case
                                                       BBQ-17          Brown  Ale                                     $3.25/$39.00
                                                       MGBBQ-17  Brown  Ale  (Moose  Grub  Label)    $3.25/$39.00
                                                                                                                                                                               M us t a rd s

                          B o u r b o n  an d   R u m     B B Q   S a u ce s   ( 8 o z )
                                         24 items per case

                         BBQFL-90   Bourbon BBQ Sauce $3.25/$39.00
                         BBQFL-80   Rum BBQ Glaze        $3.25/$39.00                   BBQFL-80            BBQFL-90

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