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                 TO  S TA RT  WIT H ,             know very clearly what works and
                                                what doesn’t.
             T H E Y ’ RE  S PRI NG I NG  U P     At the heart of the drug court in
                                                Victoria is the Drug Treatment Order
                   E V ERY W H ER E .           (DTO), a sentencing order under the
                                                Sentencing Act 1991.  DTOs are
              The first one was started in Miami in   exquisitely simple.  They are a
            1989 by judges who understood that the   combination of the coercive force of
            traditional  criminal  justice  system  was   the criminal law: you do what we say or
            not working when it came to people with   you go to jail – it doesn’t get more
            intractable drug problems who couldn’t   coercive than that – with the
            break free of their addictions or escape   therapeutic component: the best ad-
            the revolving door of the prison sys-  diction treatments the community can
            tem.  Today there are 3,400 drug courts   offer.
            in  the  USA  and in  twenty other  coun-  The Sentencing Act ensures that
            tries  as  well.  There’s  at  least  one drug   the drug court works with the
            court  in most  Australian States.   NSW   magistrates’ court’s most serious
            has three, as does Tasmania. There’s one   offenders by stipulating that if the
            in Victoria  at  Dandenong  and the  Vic-  crimes committed by people
            torian Government has just approved a   seeking access to the drug
            new drug court for the Melbourne CBD   court aren’t serious enough
            which will be twice the size of the Dan-  to attract an immediate
            denong court.                       term of jail, the person isn’t
              Drug  courts  work.    International-  eligible to enter the drug
            ly they are evaluated against two stan-  court program.
            dards: improving  the  life  of  the  defen-  So people sentenced
            dant  and  reducing  the  burden  of  crime   to a DTO would,
            on  the  community.    And that’s  exactly   but for the
            what they do to a far greater extent than   DTO,
            traditional justice responses to drug use   otherwise
            and related crime.                  be in jail.
            A settled body of best practice de-
            veloped in the US, called The Key Com-
            ponents   which are underpinned by
            decades of research, guides the opera-

                   Drug Courts

                                                                                     B Y   T ONY   PARSONS
                                                                                                  MA GISTRATE

         I LLU S TR ATI O N :     E TH A N Q UAG LI OT TO
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