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tions It will be no surprise that the   Psychiatrists and psychologists,
         motive of most people seeking a DTO   addiction medicine specialists,
         is to stay out of prison.  That’s fine.    counsellors – they’re all engaged as part
         There’s plenty of research that shows it   of a comprehensive, collaborative
         doesn’t matter whether people are   approach.  A sheriff on the team helps
         coerced into treatment or seek it   deal with outstanding fines, one less
         voluntarily, the outcomes are about the   worry for people addressing their major  1
         same.                               life issues.
           People are sent to the drug court by   Supervision is strict. Case managers
         other magistrates’ courts or through   provide general supervision and support
         their lawyers.  They are rigorously   through weekly meetings with
         assessed for suitability to enter the   participants over the course of the two-
         program.  Amongst a number of       year order.  Clinical advisors design each
         criteria,  they must have a drug or   individual treatment plan and
         alcohol dependence which has        supervise participants through
         contributed to their offending and the   treatment, also meeting weekly,
         offences must be so serious that only a   tweaking the plan as necessary along
         jail term is appropriate.  If all of the   the way.  Participants in the early
         criteria are met, the drug court    months must provide supervised urine
         magistrate sentences the defendant by   screens three times per week.  If alcohol
         applying the usual sentencing rules.    dependence is a live issue, they test five
         However, under the DTO, defendants,   times a week.  Testing ensures that the   1 .   RE V IE WIN G TH E
         we call them participants, serve their   court knows precisely how well       E FFEC TI VE NE SS  O F
         jail time in the community as long as   participants are progressing.
         they comply with the treatment        In addition, participants must attend    D RUG  TRE ATM E NT
         component of the order and don’t    a review hearing before the drug court
         commit serious offences whilst in the   magistrate once a week.  The magistrate   PRO G R A M S IN
         community.                          plays a key role motivating the             V I C TO RIA WITH
           It doesn’t matter whether the     participant along the path of recovery by
         sentence is six months, twelve months   applying classical behavior modification   RECO MME NDATI O N S
         or two year’s jail, the DTO itself lasts   techniques: carrots and sticks:
         for two years.  Why so long?  Long term   Good behavior is incentivised.  Clean   O N H OW  TRE ATM E NT
         drug addiction causes biological changes   urine screens, attending the doctor or   A N D HA RM MINIMI -
         to the structure of the brain.  The   psychologist, attending narcotics anon-
         neural pathways will recover but it can   ymous meetings etc are rewarded at one   SATI O N  S TR ATEG I E S
         take nine months or longer.  So the drug   end with praise or applause, or perhaps
         court needs that time to work its magic.  a supermarket gift voucher and at the   COU LD B E  US E D A S
           People on a DTO are kept very busy.     high end, reduction of the jail sentence   A N A LTE RNATIV E TO
         T h e y a r e s u r r o u n d e d b y a   attached to the DTO.
         multidisciplinary team which includes   Negative behaviors are met with     CRIMINA L PE NA LTIE S;
         case managers, accredited drug and   sanctions.  Missed testing or
         alcohol clinicians, housing officers, rep-  appointments or positive urines draw
         resentatives of the police and legal aid.    responses which range from warnings,
         On day 1 of a DTO housing is        written homework, additional court
         addressed.  Unless participants have safe   attendance requirements, community
         stable housing, they don’t have a chance.    work or a jail sanction of a day or two.
         Physical health is screened.  If a   If participants accumulate seven day’s
         participant is using heroin, the best pain   jail sanctions they are sent to prison to
         killer known to medical science, because   serve that time.  When they come out,
         of a tooth abscess or spinal deformi-  the drug court team rolls up its sleeves
         ty those problems need to be resolved    and gets back to work with the partici-
         before the drug use can be tackled.    pant.  A DTO is not a soft option!
         Mental health is screened and for those   The results speak for themselves.
         that need it mental health plans are put   Forty percent  of people who enter the
         in place.  A Centrelink officer on the   drug  court  program successfully com-
         drug court team smooths out the path-  plete it, a great  outcome for any court
         way to social security benefits because   program let  alone one working  with   Drug Courts
         people in the early months of a DTO are   people with  the most  intractable drug
         kept too busy to work but they need an   and alcohol dependencies, with  long
         income to pay rent, buy food and be able   criminal records who commit the most
         to use the bus or train system like the   serious offences.
         rest of us.                           Against the criteria of improved

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