Page 16 - WHACK35
P. 16


      IN OUR                                 “I have been a client of the methadone program in Utrecht, a city in
                                             the  Netherlands, for 10 years now with small ‘breaks’ in between. Two
                                             years ago I started the heroin program where I am provided free heroin.
                                             I receive 45mg methadone and half a gram of heroin per day*, which is
          O W N                              enough for me most of the time.
                                             Since I have been on the heroin program I have to worry a lot less about
                                             getting sick because I haven’t used (withdrawal).

     W ORDS                                  Another big gain for me is that I don’t have to ‘hunt’ for heroin and I am
                                             not dependent on dealers anymore.
                                             Without this program to provide my heroin, I would have to commit
                                             criminal activities such as stealing, selling stolen goods or dealing
                                             to support my habit. Because I have never studied or had a good job, I
                                             couldn’t pay for it. But even with a good job, the cost of heroin would still
                                             be unaffordable.
                                             I have tried to stop using heroin but it was hard for me to persist. I
                                             still find heroin very pleasant and that’s why it is hard to find the right
                                             motivation to quit.
                                             The heroin scene in my city has become a lot worse and meaner over
                                             time. Because of the heroin program I can function without having to
                                             mingle with the scene anymore.”
                                             Ben (39-years old)

                                             *Editor’s Note:
                                             Ben is required to use the heroin daily on the premises (in the drug consumption room) and is able to take his
                                             methadone home.  Homeless people on the same program are not able to take away their methadone.

              “I was only 16 years when I started using drugs. At first I just used cannabis, and it was given to me by
              friends. By the time I was 22 years old, I had started shooting heroin. Back then I was a very heavy user.

              I was born and raised in Greece and at that time there was no methadone program in Greece.
              Methadone came a couple of years later and I got onto a program then. Before I came to The Netherlands
              I had stopped using and I started working in Rotterdam and I had a house and a car. In Rotterdam I met
              some people and I started using again. From time to time I tried to quit but it never lasted longer then 2
              years before I started again.

              Now I have been on the heroin program for 15 months and I get 75mg of heroin and 180ml of methadone
              a day. The program has helped me become more confident in myself and I am much less stressed.  I think
              there are no negatives from a project like this, because it has helped me in so many different ways. When
              I have money I might buy some heroin on the street, but it is way less than before and I don’t need to
              have much contact with dealers any more. This program keeps me out of the circle and out of trouble and
              makes life less dangerous.”

              Evangelos (52 years old)

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