Page 21 - WHACK35
P. 21
The whole resolution I had agreed getting in touch with that person,
to had been usurped and I was they would be met with a stone
overcome with a sense of wall of silence and told this was
hopelessness and anxiety. I now simply not possible due to the
faced the prospect of another Privacy Act. These facts resulted in
court case and another term in me changing the times I attended
prison. However, as if that wasn’t my chemist and even skipping a 1
enough, another three summons day or two so as to avoid being
were to follow – all for matters that ambushed by the police. As a result,
predated the agreement to resolve I had not picked up for two days
ALL my matters. prior to my arrest on 11 November
2015, meaning I had to collect my
After finding the police calling dose on 11 Nov. 2015, being the
card I telephoned a solicitor who third day, or my script would be
contacted the police and arranged terminated.
for me to attend the relevant police
station to deal with the mat- Accordingly, from the time of
ter; doing it this way meant that my arrest in East Malvern early
there was a detailed record (approx. 9.00am) on 11 November
of conversations and proposed 2015, my diatribe to all and any
agreements with a solicitor, who is police I came into contact with 1 . RE V IE WIN G TH E
an officer of the court. However, was that I needed to obtain my E FFEC TI VE NE SS O F
the last police member refused to methadone as a matter of priority.
return the solicitor’s call to make I was taken back to Boroondara D RUG TRE ATM E NT
arrangements for me to attend (Kew) police station whereupon PRO G R A M S IN
to resolve the matter and so the the arresting members told me that
solicitor advised me not to attend my methadone would be arranged V I C TO RIA WITH
until the police member contacted as soon as they’d interviewed me RECO MME NDATI O N S
the solicitor and arrangements and I had finished with them,
were made with the solicitor. because that was something for O N H OW TRE ATM E NT
I was informed that, instead of just the custody staff to arrange. This A N D HA RM MINIMI -
returning the solicitor’s call and did not happen despite the fact I
arranging a time for me to attend, foreshadowed the same to them SATI O N S TR ATEG I E S
the police member had taken it and indicated that they would need COU LD B E US E D A S
upon himself to try and have me to get the watch-house staff to start
arrested without an agreement, following it up immediately or at A N A LTE RNATIV E TO
which caused me great concern. least contact the medical staff for CRIMINA L PE NA LTIE S;
He stalked my house and them to begin the process.
even attended the chemist where By the time the arresting members
I picked up my methadone. This had concluded their inquiries,
was a real worry as I had on a interviews, phone calls, finger-
previous occasion, 8 March 2012, prints and found a custody bed for
been arrested leaving a chemist me for the night, it was 9.30pm.
where I had previously collected I was informed the bed they had
my methadone. found was at the Ringwood police
I was also concerned by the station, despite the fact that I had
seeming ease with which my to appear in the Melbourne Opioid
personal and private medical in- Magistrates’ Court the next
formation was able to be collected, morning, as the cells at the Custody
disseminated and used without a Centre (below Melbourne
warrant. Especially since someone Magistrates’ Court) were full. Replacement
else like a mother, father, sibling, I arrived at the Ringwood cells
friend, etc. was to try and ascertain about 10.15pm and again the first
if a person was still collecting their thing I asked about was my Therapy
dose at a chemist for the purpose of methadone. I also stated that I
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