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                                         I G E T B Y W I T H A L I T T L E H E L P F R O M M Y F R I E N D S . . .
                           T HE O NLY W AY T O   S A F E LY  S HAR E NE E D L E S

            Did you know that in       (a) if the person is, or is engaged   For years, HRVic has been   involves a four day training
            Victoria it is technically   or employed by, a pharmacist   lobbying DHHS, without   program to start, if you are
            illegal to give your mate a   and the sale or supply is made in   success, to change this policy   successfully recruited into
            needle/syringe unless you   the course of the lawful practice   and amend this law.   the program in your area,
            hold an NSP (Needle / Sy-  of a pharmacist; or       Fortunately, we have found   at the end of the training,
            ringe Program) Outreach    (b) if the sale or supply is by a   a loophole in the law which   we get you to complete an
            Worker Card?               specified person or organisation   the Health Department   application form to become
            To get one of these cards   or specified class of persons or   supports. And so the Peer   an authorised NSP Outreach
            you need to be a part of   organisations in specified   Networker Program (PNP)   Worker, and send it to
            an authorised needle and   circumstances as authorised by   was born.           DHHS who issue you with
            syringe program (NSP) and   Order in Council published in                       an authorised person NSP ID
            apply to the Department of   the Government Gazette.                            card.  You are then protected
            Health and Human                                                                under the law and you can
            Services (DHHS).  If you    T H I S L AW D O E S N ’ T                          legally give your mates sterile
            don’t, and you give out     MAK E ANY S E N S E !                               injecting equipment for up
            needles and syringes, you can                                                   to 1 year (all ID cards expire
            be prosecuted for aiding and   We all know we share sterile                     after 12 months).
            abetting the administration   needles/syringes with our                         The state-wide network of
            of a prohibited substance.    mates if we’ve got them.                          PNP sites is growing fast
            The Poisons and Controlled   In fact, NSPs encourage their                      and HRVic is always on the
            Substances Act 1981 states:  clients to take extra injecting                    look-out for suitable can-
            80 Aiding and abetting etc.  equipment so they can look                         didates for the role of Peer
            (5) A person who sells or   after their mates as well as   This successful program   Networker. After training,
            supplies a hypodermic      themselves. It stops the   simply supports people to   you commit to attending one
            needle or a syringe is not   continued transmission of   do what they are already   meeting per month, to hand
            guilty of an offence under   Hep C, HIV, Hep B etc.   doing – that is, to distribute   in your stat sheets which
            this section by reason only   It’s a no-brainer!     sterile injecting equipment to   record how much equipment
            of that sale or supply —                             their friends and associates. It   you have distributed that

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