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          Safe                                                                       INCLUDING INJECTING,
                                                                                      DESPERATELY NEEDS
                                                                                        A CONSUMPTION
                                                                                      ROOM, RUN  BY USERS
                                                                                           FO R  USERS,
                                                                                       CATERING FOR ALL
                                                                                           ROUTES OF
          Consumption                                                                PLACED TO  ADVOCATE
                                                                                      SMOKING AND OTHER
                                                                                      DRUG USERS ARE BEST

                                                                                          FOR ONGOING
                                                                                          LAW REFORM,
                                                                                         INCLUDING THE

                                                                                            DRUGS. “
          (Injecting)                                                                DECRIMINALISATION OF


                W HY L A W R E F O R M I S S O IMP O R TAN T T O DR U G U S E R S
                                                                                 Maureen Steele and Elena Jeffreys

            The world seems like a big                           of drug use is damaging so   ‘problem,’ not the drug
            place, but when you are    It might sound unusual to   many people, in so many   itself.
            a member of a ‘minority’   be still interested in the   ways, because of widely   D R U G S A R E U S ED
            group, or subculture, the   same issues two decades   held beliefs based upon       A L L OV ER T H E
            number of people who       later, but isn’t really. Many   prejudice, stigma and    WO R L D E V ERY
            share the same beliefs as   people think that thoughts   stereotypes. These ideas
            you diminishes, and the    and ideas about drug use   result in marginalisation    DAY – CO F F EE ,
            world can seem very, very   are something you have   and the loss of human        S UG A R , A LCOH OL ,
            small. Humans gravitate    when you are ‘young’ – and   rights for people who use   P R E S C R IP TI O N S ,
            towards others who         that the older and more   drugs.                       M E DIC AT IO N S  A R E
            share similar values and   ‘responsible’ you become,                              AL L  S U B S TANC E S
            ideals. We (the authors,   you should stop using drugs   People say drugs users have   T H AT  H AVE  A
            Maureen and Elena),        or caring about drug related   ‘problems,’ and that if users
            first met each other at a   issues.  We both find this   stop using drugs we will   ME A NIN G F U L
            meeting of injecting drug   pretty damned tough      stop having ‘problems.’       I M PAC T  ON  OUR
            users in Perth who were    considering the devastating   Obviously drug users don’t   B O D IE S  A ND  S TATE
            interested in setting up an   effects of our current drug   have ‘problems’ because of   O F  MIND.
            organisation for drug users,   laws.  For us, we became   drug use - (though some   So many of these substances
            in the mid-1990s. And so it   even more concerned the   would like to convince   have been illicit in the past,
            should come as no surprise   older we got.           Maureen that she has drug   or in the present. ‘Illegality’
            that almost twenty years                             problems by default of     is an outcome of politics
            later we met again, as staff   The longer you look at   being on the methadone   and history, usually urged
            of the supervised injecting   drug issues, the more you   program.) It’s the illegality   on by a moral panic of
            centre in Sydney.          see how the criminalisation   of drugs that creates the   some sort. Today, many

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