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and a safe place for people
                 A R E U S E R S I N   to inject. But really, actually,
             M E LB O U R N E  A N D  P E R TH   we are all waiting to win
              S U P P O S E D TO T R AV E L   the ultimate battle, that
            OV E R TO K I N G S C R O S S TO   is, being able to provide
                 H AV E A S H OT ?     clean, quality, LICIT drugs                  2
                                       with the clean equipment,
            Melbourne needs a Safe     and somewhere legal to
            Consumption Room and it    consume it. And it is all so
            is long overdue.           obvious to everyone.
              The evidence that          Back in the 90’s Maureen
            the Sydney Medically       explained the “Needle &
            Supervised Injecting Centre   Syringe Program” to a very
            (MSIC) is a success was    elderly catholic woman.
            established right from
            the start. But the service   Her response was
            remained “on trial” for 10     “ B U T WA I T A
            years before being made     MIN U T E ,  AR E YOU
            permanent in 2010.  That     TE LLI N G  M E TH AT
            is unreasonable! Only this                                                   REVIEWING THE
            week there was an article in   T H E R E A R E N ’ T                       EFFE CTIVENESS OF
            the local press saying that   ANY  D R UG S  IN  T HE                            VICT ORIAN
            users are having a negative   S YR IN G E YOU G IVE
            impact on businesses in     O U T ?  . . .TH E Y S TI LL                       GO VERNMENT
            Kings Cross. The downturn   H AV E TO B U Y T H E                          INVESTMENT  INT O
            in the Cross is a result of
            harshly enacted lock out         D R U G S ?!?                                 ILLICIT  DR UG
            laws - which has hurt users   W E L L , T H AT S O U N D S                SUPPLY  REDUCTION,
            along with everyone else.      P O I NTLE S S ! ”                        DEMAND REDUCTION
            The Supervised Injecting   Good on you, little old lady.
            Centre will always have    Users share this view.                                     AND
            to fight for its existence                                                 HARM REDUCTION
            and continue to provide      Unfortunately, we
            evidence of its worth.     haven’t reached the point                        STRATE GIES AND
              Any new service in       of free heroin or ice for                            PR OGRAMS;
            Melbourne - Consumption    everyone yet, but we have
            Room or otherwise - will   to be mindful of what the
            have to do the same in     key issues are. Australians
            mainstream Victorian       are fairly pragmatic at
            media, no matter how       the end of the day, and as
            successful the service is.   a movement we remain
            Stigma and misinformation   optimistic that drug use,
            is part of the war on drugs   like many other issues
            and requires ongoing       of bodily autonomy, can
            advocacy and concern!      be liberated from the
                                       military-industrial neo-
            Finally, we note that not   liberal colonialist capitalist
            only has the evidence been   complex.                                             Safe
            in for a long time in support
            of Consumption Rooms         D O YO U R B I T BY
            and Injecting Centres, the     P U T T I N G I N A
            evidence has also been in                                                      (Injecting)
            for a long time to support us   SU B M IS S I O N  TO
            going to ‘phase three.’       T H E  VI C TO RIAN                     Consumption
            And what is ‘phase three’ I   G OV ER N M EN T.
            hear you ask? ……........
            DECRIMINALISE THE            Whatever you write
            DRUGS ALREADY!!!           will make good sense,                               Rooms
                                       because users are smart and
            At the Supervised Injecting   imaginative, and know best
            Centre in Kings Cross we   about what users need!
            provide clean equipment

          TO R 2 : C O N S U M P T I O N R O O M S ( I N J EC T I N G R O O M S )                                  29

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