Page 27 - WHACK35
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                                                                                         REVIEWING THE
                                                                                       EFFE CTIVENESS OF
                                                     HEROIN, OR                              VICT ORIAN
                                                  WAS LEGAL ON                             GO VERNMENT
                                                 PRESCRIPTION IN                       INVESTMENT  INT O
                                                 AUSTRALIA UNTIL                           ILLICIT  DR UG
                                                        1953,                         SUPPLY  REDUCTION,
                                                 AND WHO EVER                        DEMAND REDUCTION
                                               HEARD OF THE HUGE                                  AND
                                              “HEROIN PROBLEM OF
                                                    THE 1950S?”                        HARM REDUCTION
                                                                                        STRATE GIES AND
                                                                                            PR OGRAMS;

            drugs that are considered   on drugs doesn’t make it to
            ‘medicine’ when prescribed   the news or the court room.
            by doctors – opioids,      Stopping and searching
            stimulants – can result in   people in areas where drug
            arrest and imprisonment    users from lower socio-
            when purchased outside     economic background
            conventional means, or     hang out is one example
            if grown or cooked in      of this. Did you know
            our kitchens without       that in Sydney you are 6
            government approval.       times more likely to be                                Safe
                                       searched by drug sniffer
            Lessening the impact of    dogs at Redfern station
            laws on people who use     than Central? That reeks
            illicit drugs is a public   of racism. Even without                            (Injecting)
            health strategy that has   a drug conviction,
            been found to be incredibly   activity by police can                  Consumption
            important for drug users   lead to unwarranted and
            physical and mental        unnecessary surveillance
            health. Laws against users   of family homes and the
            give police a green light   intervention of child                              Rooms
            to harass, search, set-    protection services. Small
            up, detain and generally   drug convictions such
            frighten people. Most of   as possession can lead to
            police activity in the war   people losing their job.

          TO R 2 : C O N S U M P T I O N R O O M S ( I N J EC T I N G R O O M S )                                  27

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