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Naloxone                                                                 2

                                                                                        REVIEWING THE
                                                                                      EFFE CTIVENESS OF

                                                                                            VICT ORIAN
                                                                                          GO VERNMENT
                                                                                      INVESTMENT  INT O
                                                                                           ILLICIT  DR UG
                                                                                     SUPPLY  REDUCTION,
                             T H E S TAT E O F V I C T O R I A’ S
                                                                                    DEMAND REDUCTION
                                S TAT E  O F  N AL O X O NE                                       AND

                                                currently pay for the naloxone         HARM REDUCTION
                We asked Jane what she wanted
                to see happen in Victoria to keep   scripts so punters are able to leave   STRATE GIES AND
                users alive and put an end to the   the training with free naloxone.        PR OGRAMS;
                unnecessary opiate overdose deaths.    Jane and the organisations also have
                Jane works at HRVic and delivers   to work hard to make sure a doctor
                the peer-based overdose training   is available on the day to write the
                known as the D.O.P.E program,   individual scripts for up to 10 work-
                across the state. HRVic receives   shop participants.
                funding from the Victorian
                Government for Jane to train users   TH E  D IF F I C U LT IE S  O F  W O R K IN G
                on overdose prevention and      TH IS  WAY A R E:
                response and Jane/HRVic have
                recently included naloxone as part   •We’re not sure how long these
                                                organisations will be able to pay for
                of the toolkit of ways to reverse   the naloxone (they don’t necessarily
                overdoses.  Unfortunately, the   have the money);
                funding doesn’t cover the cost of
                the naloxone and distributing it to   •it’s not easy to get a doctor to take
                punters as part of the training.  time out to attend the training to
                                                write the 10 or so scripts needed; and

                The way the overdose program    •It makes it hard for HRVic to go
                works is an organisation rings Jane   to regional Victoria to do the   Naloxone
                and arranges for her to go to their   training because of the difficulties
                                                of arranging for a doctor to be there
                workplace to train a group of   (always a big ask, but in regional
                punters.  These organisations   Victoria where doctors are scarce,
                                                even more so)!

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