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For nearly 2 decades, HRVic has been   though sometimes with pain caused by
            funded by the Victorian Government   restricted circulation to certain parts of
            to deliver peer-based overdose training   the body.
            to users. The training is unique; opiate   Dave said that over a 20-year peri-
            injectors at HRVic developed and deliv-  od he had had a few friends overdose –  2
            er it to their peers. Our Drug Overdose   most of them had survived but there had
            Peer Education (DOPE) training looks   been a couple that hadn’t and in those
            at what leads to an overdose and how   situations if naloxone had been available
            to respond if your mates drop. Tradi-  they would have made it.
            tionally HRVic workers have taught
            users how to do rescue breathing (re-  As part of HRVic’s DOPE train-
            suscitation), but with changes to gov-  ing, Dave was given a pack of 5 (mini-
            ernment policy, our training now in-  jets) ampules of naloxone (400 micro-
            cludes information about naloxone (it   grams in 1 mL), and he has used 3 since
            reverses the effects of an opiate over-  then, on the 1 person, “I was in a situa-
            dose) and how to use it. We give out   tion where it wouldn’t have been kosher
            naloxone ampules/mini-jets as part of   to call an ambulance so they definitely
            the training. There are, however, lo-  wouldn’t be around today if I hadn’t used
            gistic challenges like ensuring the sup-  the naloxone. I had to use 3 ampules as   REVIEWING THE
            port of an onsite GP to prescribe the   they didn’t wake up, they didn’t respond.
            naloxone. Another huge challenge is   Jane had said that may be the case and it   EFFE CTIVENESS OF
            the cost of naloxone. We have found   was ok to do…I mean some of the ambos      VICT ORIAN
            that one-on-one training rather than   do 4-5 ampules in one go”.              GO VERNMENT
            group based workshops can be an eas-
            ier way to engage with the using com-   “ I WA S I N A S I T UAT I O N     INVESTMENT  INT O
            munity especially in regional Victoria   W H E R E I T WO U L D N ’ T H AV E   ILLICIT  DR UG
            but this also presents logistic complica-  B E E N KO S H E R TO C A L L A N
            tions. In many ways, naloxone is even   AMB U L AN C E  S O  T HE Y D E F -  SUPPLY  REDUCTION,
            more essential for people who inject   I N ITE LY WO U LD N ’ T B E      DEMAND REDUCTION
            opiates who live in remote parts of Vic-  AR OU ND TO DAY IF  I HAD N ’ T
            toria, who may be miles from the near-  U S E D T HE NALOXO NE .  I HAD               AND
            est hospital or ambulance.          TO U S E 3 A M P U L E S A S T H E Y   HARM REDUCTION
                                                  DID N ’ T WAK E U P,  T HE Y          STRATE GIES AND
             WE  S P O K E  WI T H  DAV E  WH O      DID N ’ T R E S P O ND.
                R EC EN T LY D I D H R V I C ’ S                                            PR OGRAMS;
                      TR A ININ G … .
                                                 “I’ve still got 2 [ampules] but I sup-
              “I did HRVic’s DOPE training at Ac-  pose I should go and get another script,
            cess Health in St Kilda about 5 months   so I’ll get one next time I go to the doc-
            ago. I thought the way Jane [the DOPE   tor. I haven’t asked my GP but I can’t see
            Peer Educator/Trainer] did it was more   why she would say no; I can’t say for sure
            than fine, it was pretty informative   but I think it will be ok”.
            and yeah, I mean it’s something I think   Editor’s Note: We haven’t heard of any doc-
            should have been done a long time ago.    tors refusing to give a naloxone script, its
            I didn’t leave having any questions, I   more that punters feel bad about asking
            found out what I needed to find out.    (they think they’re going to get judged, looked
            Jane was pretty easy to talk to and def-  down on, the doctor will think they’re using).   Peer
            initely you feel a lot more comfortable   HRVic can recommend doctors at primary
            having another user train you”.    health services.                      Administered

            Dave has been using for about 22 years   I asked Dave if he’d mentioned the
            and during that time he has never over-  training to his mates?
            dosed.  He said there was one time he   “Not so much straight after I did the   Naloxone
            was in a situation where no one came to   training but more so since I used the
            his assistance – “I would say I did [over-  naloxone. Since then I have told my
            dose] but I woke up so obviously I didn’t   mates, spoken to them about going to
            stop breathing”.                   the training. And I think a few of them    Training
                 Editor’s Note: A lot of people report
            this, waking up and not being able to account   F OR  MOR E  I N F O  ON  HAVI N G A  ON E
            for the last 12 hours; some call it a ‘coma-  ON  ON E  OR G R O U P  NALOXON E
            sleep’. We’re the lucky ones who wake up, al-
                                                 T R A I N I N G S E S S I O N W I T H J A N E ,
                                                C O N TAC T H R V I C O N ( 0 3 ) 9 3 2 9 1 5 0 0

          TO R 2 : P E E R A D M I N I S T E R E D N A L O X O N E T R A I N I N G                                 35

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