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          WHAT ARE THEY?
          The names are many:
          supervised injecting facilities,
          drug consumption rooms,              WHERE ARE THEY?
          injecting rooms, safe injecting      There are approximately 90
          facilities, but they all mean        ‘safe injecting rooms/drug
          the one thing = a clean place        consumption places’ around
          people who inject can go to          the world - the first one was
          and use their drugs in a safe        opened in 1986 in Switzerland.       DO THEY WORK?
          environment, with protection         The majority are in European         Evidence indicates they are
          against arrest, without the          cities in Germany, Spain,            an effective way of reducing
          prying eyes of neighbours            the Netherlands, Norway,             some of the harms, including:
          or cops, and where all the           Luxembourg and Denmark.              •numbers of overdoses
          sterile injecting equipment          Canada has 2 and in Australia        (fatal and non-fatal);
          you need can be found and            we have 1 in Sydney.                 •public littering of injecting
          safely disposed of after you’ve                                           equipment;
          had your taste. There is one         Sydney’s medically supervised        •providing pathways and
          difference with all these            injecting centre (MSIC) is in        opportunities for treatment
          ‘names’, the drug consumption        Kings Cross and opened in            and support to people
          rooms may also be a place you        2001 on a trial basis. After         who use drugs, particularly
          can go to smoke, inject, inhale,     nearly 10 years and many             isolated users, including with
          injest and/or shaft (up your         evaluations later, the NSW           mental or physical health
          bum) your drugs.                     government introduced                concerns;
                                               legislation which meant the          •transmission of blood borne
          These facilities can have social     MSIC no longer was ‘on trial’,       viruses such as hepatitis C,
          workers and nurses working           and became a permanent               hepatitis B and HIV;
          there to help out if you can’t       health service.  In 2001 an          •injecting problems such as
          find your veins, if someone          evaluation of the Sydney MSIC        skin abscesses and damaged
          overdoses, to immunise you or        found it had:                        veins;
          to help you find or refer you to     •successfully managed more           •(rushed) public injecting;
          health or social services such       than 4,400 drug overdoses            •healthcare costs such as
          as rehab drug treatment and          without one fatality;                ambulance call-outs and
          housing services. They can           •reduced the number of               hospital admissions.
          also have showers, washing           publicly discarded needles
          machines and breakfast. What         and syringes in the Kings
          most of them don’t have is           Cross area by approximately
          OUT peer workers, or people          half;
          who have first-hand and              •decreased the number of
          current lived experiences of         ambulance call outs to Kings
          injecting/using drugs. And as        Cross by 80%;
          we know, it’s easier and more        •generated more than 9500
          often done, to ask your mates        referrals to health and
          for tips on using, and referrals     social welfare services.                         H RV I C   C A LL S   O N
          to other services. Afterall, that’s                                             TH E V I C TO R I A N
          why drug user organisations                                                    G OV E R N M E NT TO:
          like Harm Reduction Victoria
          (HRVic) exist, because we                                             •T R I A L A D RU G CO N S U M P T I O N
          deliver peer education training                                       R O O M I N M EL B O U R N E OV ER A
          and information on hep C,                                             PER I O D O F N OT L E S S  T H A N 3
          overdose prevention, safer                                                         Y E A R S;
          partying – we know what we
          are talking about and the                                           •CO MMIS S I O N   A N   IND EPEND EN T
          government recognises our                                           E VA LUAT I O N O F T H E S ERV I C E I N -
          expertise and fund us to                                            C LU D I N G A N ECO N O M I C A N A LYS I S
          provide these services to our                                            A N D C R I M E S TAT I S T I C S;
                                                                                      •EM PLOY PEER S TO
                                                                                     D EL I V ER A R A N G E O F
                                                                               H A RM   RED UC T I ON   S T R AT EG I E S .

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