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month and HRVic provides   introduced a key change for
            you with ongoing train-    people who inject drugs -   T HE  M O R E
            ing and support. Many of   they can now legally pick up   S U P P O R T T H E R E I S
            our Peer Networkers have   sterile injecting equipment   FO R T H E     2
            decided to pursue further   for their mates as well as for   AME NDME N T O F
            training (Cert IV in Alcohol   themselves from a Tasmanian   T H I S P O I NT LE S S
            and Drugs) and to pursue   NSP (including a pharmacy).    A N D C O U N T E R -
            a career in the alcohol and   You do not need authorisa-  P R O D UC T I VE  L AW
            drug sector. Although the   tion or a government permit   T HE  B E T T E R  AND
            PNP network is expand-     to give equipment to your   T H E M O R E L I K E LY
            ing fast, the problem is we   peers and you’re protected   T HE  VI C TO R I AN
            haven’t the budget to travel   against charges of supply, to   G OVE R NME N T I S
            the length and breadth of the                      TO R E V I E W C U R -
            state and establish as many   have committed, aided, abet-  R E N T
            PNP sites as we need.      ted or instigated any crime   L E G I SL AT IO N .
                                       or offence under relevant
             S O W H Y N O T M A K E  I T   Acts or the Criminal Code.
                   E A S I E R ?                               W E N E E D YO U R
            Why not simply change the   The Act specifically states:  S U P P O R T!     REVIEWING THE
            law? Injectors in the ACT   56K. Possession, &c., of needle
            and Tasmania don’t have this   or syringe does not constitute              EFFE CTIVENESS OF
            problem, so why do we in   offence under certain Acts                            VICT ORIAN
            Victoria? It’s common sense.  (5) A person who supplies –                      GO VERNMENT
                                       (a) an unused needle or unused
            The Parliamentary Inquiry   syringe; or                                    INVESTMENT  INT O
            gives us the chance to change   (b) other equipment associated                 ILLICIT  DR UG
            this law.                  with the use of an unused needle
            Write a submission.        or an unused syringe; or                       SUPPLY  REDUCTION,
            Get us to help you.        (c) information –                             DEMAND REDUCTION
            Let’s change the law and   that was supplied under a
            protect us all against a   permit does not, by reason only                            AND
            potential criminal charge.  of that supply, commit, aid,                   HARM REDUCTION
                                       abet or instigate, and is not                    STRATE GIES AND
            Interestingly enough, one of   to be taken, by reason only of
            the questions we are asked   that supply, to have committed,                    PR OGRAMS;
            each time we go to a NSP   aided, abetted or instigated, any
            is “how many people are    crime, or any offence, under the
            you collecting for?” So the   Misuse of Drugs Act 2001 or the
            Health Department knows    Poisons Act 1971 or Chapters II
            how common the practice    or XXXV of the Criminal Code.
            of sharing needles/syringes
            with our mates is. If you
            answer you are picking up
            equipment for a number
            of people and not just for       H RV I C  C A LL S  O N  TH E
            yourself, you’re technically   V I C TO R I A N  G OV E R N M E NT  TO:
            liable for prosecution under
            the Act for aiding and           •  A M EN D T H E D RU G S ,
            abetting the administration           P O IS O N S   A ND
            of a prohibited substance.   CO N T R O L L ED S U B S TA N C E S AC T
            (To be fair, we are not aware   1981 I N L I N E W I T H T H E
            of anyone being prosecuted   TA S M A N I A N P U B L I C  H E A LT H AC T
            under the law. But as long     2 015 TO R ECO G N I S E A N D                      Peer
            as the law stands, HRVic           L EG A L LY PR OT EC T
            cannot openly encourage           PEER D I S T R I B U T I O N
            all drug users to distribute   O F S T ER I L E I N J EC T I N G EQ U I PM EN T;
            injecting equipment to their               A ND
            mates.)                                                                 Distribution
            In 2015, the Tasmanian    •  D I S CO N T I N U E T H E T I M E L I M I T ED
            Parliament passed the      PERM I T  AU T HORI S AT I ON   S YS T EM .
            Public Health (Miscellaneous
            Amendments) Act 2015 and

          TO R 2 : P E E R D I S T R I B U T I O N                                                                 25

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