Page 22 - WHACK35
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had not seen anyone from throughout the previous day. and informed her of the situation,
medical, despite being arrested The following day I was transported which by now was that I hadn’t
over 12-hours earlier and raising to the Custody Centre for my collected my methadone for four
the issue constantly throughout the court appearance in the Melbourne days. Without listening to my
day. The response I received was Magistrates’ Court. Upon arrival I reasons or making any enquiries,
that I would not be seeing the nurse immediately raised the issue of my she simply stated that it was now
or doctor that night as I was just methadone, only to be told that I too late, as it was over three days,
there overnight due to a shortage would not be seeing medical staff and that I should be aware of that
of beds in the city and I would see until after I had appeared in court having been on the program for a
the relevant staff for these services and it was not known at that stage few years. I stated that I understood
the following morning when I was if I was would remain in custody the policy of the three-day period
transported to the Custody Centre or be released. My response was perfectly well, but that I had great
below Melbourne Magistrates’ that it was now the fourth day and trouble comprehending her
Court. I protested, as it was my I needed someone to address my attitude when the only reason I
third day without methadone and methadone situation immediately, did not pick up my dose on two of
requested that my comments and as I feared I had reached the point those days (the third and fourth)
requests be noted, in the hope that of no return. was that I was in custody and
if I did see medical staff the next physically restrained and that those
day there would be some I was not released after court but in charge had failed to discharge
remanded into custody, which
documentation that I had repeatedly occurred well after lunch. It was their duty of care to ensure I
raised the issue of my methadone only then that I finally saw a nurse received my dose.
T H E EN D R E S U LT – N OT H I N G !
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WHACK35_LYOT.indd 22 11-Oct-16 4:25:20 PM