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outstanding matters so that my why I was not present and if indeed
slate would be wiped clean, giving I was in custody, the Court issued
me the opportunity to go forward a warrant for my arrest for
IN OUR with my life without the not attending in answer to the
uncertainty of pending matters.
This is the main reason that I Having accepted the resolution,
agreed to the resolution; yes, it I was sentenced on 7 September
O W N would mean a guarantee that I 2015, to time served with a
would be released sooner than if I
had taken my matters to trial, but I suspended sentence, meaning I
was eligible for immediate release.
was quietly confident that I would Now before a prisoner is released
W ORDS be found not guilty of the majority a comprehensive check is
of all charges I faced – and even if I
had been found guilty of some, any performed to make sure the
prisoner being released is that
penalty would nonetheless be time person and that they have no
served. However, as is the reality
outstanding matters or warrants.
Just over three months after
MY JOURNEY INT O THE NIGHTMARE the Ringwood Magistrates’ Court
O F F OR CED WITHDRA W ALS issued a warrant for my arrest
for not attending to answer
FR OM PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION a summons (I was in custody so
could hardly have just caught the
IN POLICE CUST OD Y train), this summons had still not
been put into the system and so I
WRITTEN B Y T OM was released with an outstanding
arrest warrant. This is the very
anomaly that caused an enormous
of our criminal justice system, the
I was arrested in East Malvern outcry in the Rosy Batty
by detectives from Boroondara time you spend on remand often tragedy – her estranged husband
CIU on 11 November 2015, for exceeds the length of any sentence had an outstanding arrest warrant,
matters that themselves imposed if one pleads guilty. but as it had not been uploaded
resulted from circumstances Accordingly, I made a forensic onto the system the police were
that raise serious questions about decision to obviate all the risks and
inter-department communication accept the proposed resolution as unable to apprehend and arrest
and integrity – especially post the I believed it would finalise all my him, whic h may h ave
tragedy that former Australian of matters. prevented that tragedy. After this,
the year Rosy Batty* suffered. our bureaucrats came out in droves
However, this was not to be the to score political points, prom-
On 7 September 2015, after a case. Earlier in 2015, while I was ising to inquire into how this had
week or two of solid research, on remand at the Metropolitan occurred and to update the system
negotiations, and work by both Assessment Prison (“MAP”), a to ensure something like that never
lawyers for the Crown, VicPol summons to appear at Ringwood happened again. But like most
Prosecutions and my lawyers, Magistrates’ Court was sent to political rhetoric, it was in-
an amicable resolution of all my me for an allegation involving a sincere and calculated for their own
outstanding matters was reached in purported dispute with a parking advancement, because months later
principle. The proposed resolution inspector. The date I had to appear the same thing was still happening.
required the use of a rarely used for this summons was 4 June 2015; Just over a month after I was
provision of the Sentencing Act however, a gaol order to facilitate released, approximately 10 October
that permitted matters in different my transport was not attached and 2015, I came home to find a police
jurisdictions (Magistrates’ Court the summons was not provided to calling card on my door, which
and County Court) to be heard and me, but rather placed into my I found out was in relation to
finalised in the jurisdiction of the property. As a result, I had the warrant issued just over four
County Court. absolutely no knowledge of this months earlier, 4 June 2015, by
The resolution was predicated matter which meant I was not at Ringwood Magistrates’ Court.
upon an agreement that included the hearing on 4 June 2015. So, To say I was incredulous is a gross
the finalisation of ALL of my instead of standing the matter understatement!
down for ten minutes to ascertain
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