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Peer                                                                     2


          Naloxone                                                                      REVIEWING THE

          Training                                                                    EFFE CTIVENESS OF

                                                                                            VICT ORIAN

                                                                                          GO VERNMENT
                                                                                      INVESTMENT  INT O
                                                                                           ILLICIT  DR UG
                                                                                     SUPPLY  REDUCTION,
          “ E RIN ”  TALK S  ABOUT  DO IN G  HRVI C ’ S                             DEMAND REDUCTION
                   PE E R  OVE RDOS E  TR AININ G                                      HARM REDUCTION

              H OW M A N Y O F YO U R           what I mean. I had done a basic first   STRATE GIES AND
             FR IE ND S  H AVE FATALLY          aid certificate at high school but when     PR OGRAMS;
                   OVE R D O S E D?             he dropped I guess I just didn’t put
                                                those skills together with an overdose.
             “ I  STOPPE D  CO UNTI NG            A friend told me about this course
             AT 8 , A N D TH E Y WE R E         that HRVic was running. I chose to
               A LL C LO S E FR I E N DS .      tell Jane [the trainer] my story. It was
                                                ok to tell her because she identified
                                                herself as a peer, or I don’t know, she
            They have been needless and senseless   was cool, she was as a safe person to
            deaths and completely 100% prevent-  talk to, someone who understood and
            able …all heroin overdoses are pre-  could offer support.
            ventable. Naloxone reverses overdose                                               Peer
            – it’s as simple as that. A trial was talk-  Since doing the [HRVic] training I
            ed about over 10 years ago - it has been   understand more how the body works
            on the table and it has taken until now   and what an overdose is and it’s the re-  Administered
            and in that time a lot of people have   striction – the depression of the cen-
            died…overdosed and it’s a tragedy that   tral nervous system that affects the re-
            it has taken this amount of time for   spiratory system so the primary goal is   Naloxone
            the project (and others [harm reduc-  to keep air flowing in the person. Al-
            tion] like this) to be given the green-  though naloxone is the most effective
            light.                              means of reversing an opioid overdose
                                                if I don’t have it on me I now know the   Training
              My friend who I often use with    necessary first aid steps to keep myself
            dropped and I didn’t know what to do,   and the person that’s overdosed safe. I
            I was very scared ‘cause he was blue   know how to check and clear their air-
            and looked like he was dead, you know   ways and how to do rescue breathing

          TO R 2 : P E E R A D M I N I S T E R E D N A L O X O N E T R A I N I N G                                 33

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