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charged or have their drugs seized
            for accessing assistance. Without
            assurances from Victoria Police,
            there is a real possibility that
            individuals who seek to have their                                     2
            drugs tested at festivals will be
            charged with possession. This is
            yet another barrier to pill testing
            this festival season.

                 THE LIGHT AT THE
               END OF THE TUNNEL

              Clearly, there is a need for a
            major shift in political thinking
            in regard to pill testing. Luckily,
            there is a glimmer of hope on the
            horizon.                                                                    REVIEWING THE
                                                                                      EFFE CTIVENESS OF
              Publicity regarding recent                                                    VICT ORIAN
            festival deaths has put pill testing
            and harm reduction policies back                                              GO VERNMENT
            on the political agenda.                                                  INVESTMENT  INT O
                                                                                           ILLICIT  DR UG
              In Victoria, a new parliamentary                                       SUPPLY  REDUCTION,
            inquiry has been announced
            which includes a review of harm                                         DEMAND REDUCTION
            reduction and drug detection                                                          AND
            policies.                                                                  HARM REDUCTION

              Festival organisers and                                                   STRATE GIES AND
            prominent musicians are also                                                    PR OGRAMS;
            strongly backing pill testing,
            keeping the topic in the media.

              Public opposition to pill testing
            is coming largely from an older
            demographic. A survey of young
            people between the ages of 16 and
            25 years old found that more than
            82% of those surveyed support pill
            testing. Governments may be able                     REF.ERENCE
                                                                 1. LLOYD, B., MATTHEWS, S., GAO,
            to get away with inaction for                        C.X., HEILBRONN C., & BECK,
              the moment, but not for much                       D ‘AMBO PROJECT – ALCOHOL
            longer.                                              AND DRUG RELATED
                                                                 AMBULANCE ATTENDANCES:
                                                                 TRENDS IN ALCOHOL AND
                                                                 DRUG RELATED AMBULANCE
              With continued agitation, and a                    ATTENDANCES IN VICTORIA      Drug
                                                                 2013/14.’ (2015)
            bit of political leadership, there is
            a strong prospect that pill testing                  FITZROY: TURNING POINT
                                                                 ALCOHOL AND DRUG CENTRE.++
            will become a mainstay of festivals                  2.PROJECT KNOW, JAGGED
            in the near future.                                  LITTLE PILL:
                                                                 3.IP SPRUIT ‘MONITORING
                                                                 SYNTHETIC DRUG MARKETS,   Checking
                                                                 TRENDS, AND PUBLIC HEALTH.’
                                                                 (2001) SUBST USE MISUSE 36(1-
                                                                 2):23-47. UNDERSTANDING THE
                                                                 CONTENTS OF 27,000 ECSTASY
                                                                 PILLS (2015).
                                                                 4.  KRIENER H. ‘AN INVENTORY
                                                                 OF ON-SITE PILL-TESTING
                                                                 INTERVENTIONS’ (2001),
                                                                 EUROPEAN MONITORING   (Pill Testing)
                                                                 CENTRE FOR DRUGS AND DRUG
                                                                 ADDICTION, PORTUGAL.
          TO R 2 : D R U G C H EC K I N G / P I L L T E S T I N G                                                  3 9

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