Page 42 - WHACK35
P. 42
D R U G C H E C K I NG E X P E R I E N C E by S E Grin
“So basically, I was at the
Shambhala festival in much to be honest, but not written on it and some photos of
Canada with my mate Louis, he aps, a nd it looke d them.
and we had spent quite a while really nice.
looking to get some MDMA We trusted the guy too, he The tester asked me to put three
crystal. was very friendly and seemed little piles of powder on the
to be around mid-thirties. plate. I could see from
We had just spent a semester Older people who seem to previous tests that they were
in Mexico, smashing a lot of have their shit together, to going to drop some kind of
what were probably largely me, a r e ge n e ra l ly mor e liquid onto the crushed pile of
meth-laced pressed pills. After trustworthy and sensible powder, and the colour change
arriving in Canada, and when buying drugs. would indicate the presence of
having tried some MDMA MDMA and give a general vibe
crystal caps (and being blown So I took a decent hit of the on how much MDMA was
away), we realised how dirty powered crystal and waited present*.
the pills were for us and about an hour. The tester put a drop of test
wanted something cleaner. Nothing happened. liquid on my first pile, then my
I waited two hours and started second. Before he had even
So we walked through the to feel kind of strange, finished dropping onto my
camps asking around. wobbly and lethargic. third, the first had gone dark
Eventually, we came across a obsidian black and began to bub-
dude. He said he wasn’t We noticed a big pill-testing ble furiously. The tester began
really a dealer, but after hav- “drug safe” tent, and decided to laugh. None of the other
ing a nice chat he actually told that before taking any more, previous tests I could see were
us he was performing at the we should get it tested in case even close to that dark.
festival, and that he had a bit of it was something else.
spare MDMA and was willing “What does it mean?” I asked,
to sell it to us cheap. We went in. They had a a little concerned I had taken
bunch of white plates and something bad. “Oh, I wouldn’t
So we bought, like, maybe 5-10 out the front a big billboard, worry. What I’m not really meant
grams. I can’t remember how which had all the suspect pills to say explicitly…is that you’ve
got some very, very strong
42 W H A C K P. I E D I T I O N : S P R I N G 2 0 16
WHACK35_LYOT.indd 42 11-Oct-16 4:25:27 PM