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The terms of reference for this inquiry   •immediate access to methadone in prison;
                                                can be found on page 6.            •availability of prescription heroin as a
                                                The Committee is given the ‘Terms of   treatment option;
                                                Reference’ which identify the specific   •alternative options  apart from prison  if
                                                areas to be looked into. Once the terms
                   “ WH AT  IS   A              of reference have been announced, the   you’re busted for drug use
                                                committee invite the Victorian people,
                 PAR LIAME NTARY                businesses and organisations (like Harm   Write to the Committee and tell them
                                                Reduction Victoria) and experts (e.g. re-  how the current laws and/or lack of
                     IN Q U IRY ?               searchers, doctors, and YOU) to write in   services affect you.
                                                and tell the committee what they think
            .... A N D  WHY  S HO ULD           about the issue(s).                H OW TO WR I T E A SU B M IS S I O N
                                                Sometimes, committees invite the public   If you’re not sure what to do or how
                      I  C A R E ?! ”           to attend one of their meetings (a public   to go about  writing a  submission to
                                                hearing) to talk with the members.    the  Parliamentary Inquiry, you can
                                                Committees may also visit places of   come into HRVic and we will help you
                                                interest to help them make a decision.   put your thoughts into words and your
                                                Committee members read and discuss   words onto paper. Then we’ll print it off,
             B Y  I T’ S  VE R Y  D E F INI T I O N  AN   the various submissions, and then write   you  can sign it  andyou/we  can post  or
               IN Q U IR Y  S IMP LY  ME AN S :   a report to Parliament, based on what   email it to the Committee with/for you.
              “ T HE  S E E K IN G  O R  L O O K IN G   they’ve read, heard, seen and discussed.   Or you can write it up and drop it off,
             F O R  TR U TH ,  I N F O R M ATI O N ,                               HRVic is happy to send it with our
                   O R  K NO W L E D G E . ”    SU B M IS S I O N S                submission to the Committee for you.
              Governments  hold inquiries  on     As part of an inquiry, a committee
            heaps of different issues. Inquiries help   usually asks for written submissions   Check out the below link for details on
            the  parliament  make  decisions  and   from anyone that the topic or subject of   how to put together a submission:
            they are a way of getting the public   the inquiry may affect,  addressing the
            involved.                           terms of reference                 ages/stories/WrittenSubmissionA4_2.
                                                Requests for the submissions can be   pdf
                                                advertised and are also usually published   And keep an ear out for HRVic’s
                                                on the government‘s website, along with
            T H E  CO M M I T T E E             the closing dates for submissions and   Submission Writing Workshops-coming
              The government decides what       updates on the inquiry’s progress.   soon.
            issue(s) need to be investigated and   If you need more time to lodge your
            they form or decide on a Committee   submission, you need to contact the   T H E R EP O R T
            made up of politicians (from different   secretary of the relevant committee.  The report includes recommendations
            political parties) to look into it.                                    for the government which may suggest
              The committee is basically a group of   Topics up for discussion include but are   changes to policy, laws and services.
            select people picked to look at the   not limited to:                  The Committee will report to the
            evidence and information about a    •more needle/syringe programs (NSP) across   Parliament after reading and taking
            subject or topic.                   the State;                         in all the submissions sent to them by
            The main purpose of a parliamentary   •improved access to naloxone to reverse   3 March 2017.
            committee is to examine relevant    opiate overdoses;and save lives
            information about its area of interest   •legal access to quality glass bongs and ice   WHY SHOULD YOU PARTICIPATE
            or expertise- in this case, Illicit(illegal)   pipes;                  AND CONTRIBUTE?
            substances and prescription medicine.  •more chemists dispensing methadone/sub-  This Committee really wants to hear
                                                oxone and more doctors prescribing metha-  from you – the people that the laws
            T ER M S O F R EF ER EN C E         done;/suboxone                     impact, the people who can’t get the
              Most inquiries have terms of      •access to pill/drug testing;      services they want and need, the
            reference(TOR).                     •ability to legally give your mate one of your   people who want to use their drugs as
            The terms of reference is a fancy,    clean needles/syringes;          safely as possible.
            shmancy way of saying ‘things to be looked   •access to drug consumption rooms for
            at’ or ‘matters to be considered’  by the   smoking and/or injecting   YO U.


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