Page 17 - December 2020 Track N Times
P. 17


           Acronyms By Jeff Leadstrom, Manager Fleet Maintenance

           We use them every day in text and emails – LOL, ASAP, BTW, TMI and the list goes on.  Even our company value
           statement is an acronym.

           Are you familiar with some of the Loram acronyms?  As I sit in various meetings and talk to other department team
           members, I find that I’m out of the loop on many.  Here is a list of some commonly used and some not so often
           used Loram acronyms.

                                                              Operations   LRT    Loram Rail Train
            Company                                                      LRV      Light Rail Vac
            Values                                                       MD       Machine Delay
                        I       Integrity First                          MHC      Material Handling Car
                        C       Customer Focus                           MOW      Maintenance of Way
                        A       Accountable for Actions                  MPC      Multi-Purpose Car
                        R       Results Oriented                         MTI      Manual Track Inspection
                        E       Excellence in All We Do                  ORIAN    Optical Rail Inspection and
            Operations                                                   OT       Operating Time
                        AAR     Association of American                  PRG      Production Rail Grinding
                                Railroads                                PSR      Precision Scheduled Railroad-
                        BC      Ballast Cleaner                                   ing
                        CD      Customer Delay                           PTO      Paid Time Off
                        CMMS    Computerized Maintenance                 RCA      Rolling Corrugation Analyzer
                                Management System                        RCC      Rear Control Car
                        CRG     Combined Rail Grinder                    RCF      Rolling Contact Fatigue
                        DOT     Department of Transporta-                RG       Rail Grinder
                        DT      Dump Train                               RGi      Rail Grinder International
                        DTFC    Dump Train For Curves                    RGM      Rail Grinder Midsize
                        EAM     Enterprise Asset Manage-                 RGS      Rail Grinder Specialty
                                ment                                     RGT      Rail Grinder Truckable
                        FCC     Front Control Car                        RGX      Rail Grinder?? (Next Best
                        FM      Friction Management                               Thing)
                        FRA     Federal Railroad Administra-             RIV      Rail Inspection Vehicle
                                tion                                     RV       Rail Vac
                        GC      Grind Car                                SBC      Standard Ballast Cleaner
                        GDMS    Grind Data Management                    SC       Support Car
                                System                                   SPS      Self-Powered Slot
                        GPR     Ground Penetrating Radar                 SRG      Specialty Rail Grinding
                        GPS     Global Position S                        ST       Slot Train
                        GQI     Grind Quality Index                      TD       Train Delay
                        HOPC    High Output Power Car                    TL       Track Lifter
                        LD      Loram Delay                              TLU      Track Lifter Undercutter
                        LPC     Loram Power Car                                   (Waste Only)
                        LRG     Light Rail Grinder                       TT       Travel Time

                                                                                                 Continued Page 17

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