Page 19 - December 2020 Track N Times
P. 19


          Acronyms Continued

             Operations   TTA    Total Time Available           Logistics
                         UC      Undercutter Cleaner                        BOL     Bill of Lading
                         WO      Work Order                                 LTL     Less Than Load (Partial truck
             Safety                                                         NDA     Next Day Air
                         JHA     Job Hazzard Analysis                       POD     Proof of Delivery
                         JSB     Job Safety Briefing                        RMA     Return Material Authoriza-
                         KBYG    Know Before You Go                         RMR     Return Material Request
                         LOTO    Lock Out Tag Out                           WC      Will Call
                         OOL     Out Of Limits
                         PPE     Personal Protective Equip-
                                 ment                           Engineering
                         VIP     Vehicle Incident Prevention                BOM     Bill of Material
                                                                            CFT     Cross Functional Team
             Finance / Account-                                             EBM     Estimate Bid Management
             ing / Marketing                                                ECN     Engineering Change Number
                         AFE     Approval for Expenditure                   ECO     Engineering Change Order
                         AG      Account Group                              ECR     Engineering Change Request
                         AP      Accountants Payable                        FEA     Finite Element Analysis
                         AR      Accounts Receivable                        FMEA    Failure Modes and Effects
                         FPA     Financial Planning Analysis                        Analysis
                         FPO     Field Purchase Order                       GA      General Arrangement
                         GL      General Ledger                             NPD     New Product Development
                         JE      Journal Entry                              PSG     Product Support Group
                         P&L     Profit and Loss                            RFI     Request For Information
                         PO      Purchase Order                             RFQ     Request For Quote
                         PR      Purchase Requisition                       VMI     Vehicle Maintenance Instruc-
                         PRF     Proposal Request Form                      WBS     Work Breakdown Structure
                         RFP     Request for Price

            The list of Loram Acronyms is long, and I’m sure I
            missed a couple.  As you can see Loram almost has
            its own language.  I’m sure you’ve all experienced
            something similar while talking to friends or family
            members  about  our  company.    You  find  yourself
            dropping  acronyms  like  FCC,  SBC  or  EAM  then
            you  realize  they  are  looking  at  you  like  WTH
            (What the Heck) are you talking about?  Anyway I
            hope  this  list  helps  you  navigate  our  lingo  when
            someone  speaks  “Loram”  to  you.    That’s  all  I
            got…. GTG (Got to Go), TTYL (Talk to You Lat-
            er) GB (Goodbye).

                                                                                                   DECEMBER 2020
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