Page 47 - MMR Premium - The Guide
P. 47

T he sceptical lens   take kettle chips...

 of the consumer
   Consumers acknowledge the

 is more prevalent   immediate affirmation of
   superiority when they open
   the bag and are hit by a
 than ever before  flavoursome aroma.

   Inside the satsfyingly thick bag
   they discover unbroken, bigger,
   thicker crisps. The product
   experience incorporates a
 There is a rising tide of suspicion that brands   superior crunch, which lasts
   longer compared to other crisps.
 are seeking to deceive in some way.   “They’re not little broken crumbs
    and you can see the flavour on

 This means that consumers are steadily    each crisp. The crunch is
   assertive and you can feel every
 placing more value on honesty - and are   bite. They don’t just melt in your
 willing to pay more for products that deliver   mouth like generic, cheaper
   crisps do.”
 something tangibly superior.      - Jack, 33

   For brands to thrive in a Premium space,
   we can no longer rely on marketing
   gloss. Whilst great packaging will get
   you noticed, it is the product that really
   talks. Discovering the power of your
   sensory assets to signal something
   tangibly superior is becoming more           Shreeya Patel
   and more important.      “          Research Manager, MMR
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