Page 2 - Unlock Sensory Power
P. 2

As children, we playfully explore the   Think of this synchronisation as the
                                                                                           world, discovering new sounds,          seamless flow between a beautifully
                                                                                           colours, textures, aromas and tastes.   crafted positioning statement and the
                                                                                                                                   physical experience of using a brand.
                                                                                           We learn quickly that our               Every sensory touchpoint finely tuned
                                                                                           environment is complex, exciting and    to reinforce the brand promise.
                                                                                                                                   The whole is greater than the sum of
                                                                                           With every new experience, our          its parts.
                                                                                           brains tap into stored associations
                           WHY SENSORY?                                                    that help us make sense of the here     In this guide you’ll discover many

                                                                                           and now. This all happens without
                                                                                                                                   ways in which Sensory Branding can
                                                                                           conscious awareness.                    help you create more distinctive,
                           WHY NOW?                                                        This ‘Type 1’ mental processing         more engaging brand experiences.

                                                                                           (commonly referred to as System 1
                                                                                                                                   the greatest impact.
                                                                                           thinking) is the basis for Sensory      The smallest sensory change can have
                           Because people experience the                                                                           So, what small change could
                           world through their senses.                                     SENSORY BRANDING ADVOCATES              strengthen your brand’s conviction?
                                                                                           MORE COHERENT, MORE
                                                                                           IMPACTING BRAND EXPERIENCES.

                                                                                           ACHIEVED BY SYNCHRONISING
                                                                                           TANGIBLE (SENSORY) ASSETS
                                                                                           WITH DESIRED (CONCEPTUAL)

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