Page 27 - 2019 CXC Annual Report
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World Class Exams – Suite of Qualifications
Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE )
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY candidates achieved Grade II in 2019 compared with 19 per
In 2019, of the candidates who wrote the Unit 1 examination, cent in 2018 and 27 per cent achieved Grade III compared with
93 per cent achieved acceptable Grades, I–V, compared with 23 per cent in 2018.
97 per cent in 2018. Performance on Paper 01 and Paper 03
declined while there was an improvement in the performance The increase was also noticeable on Modules 2 and 3, Law of
in Paper 02, compared with 2018. Contract and Real Property, respectively. In 2019, 46 per cent
of candidates achieved Grades A–C on Module 2 compared
Ninety-seven per cent of the candidates who wrote the Unit with 40 per cent in 2018 and 66 per cent on Module 3
2 examination in 2019 achieved acceptable Grades, I–V, compared with 60 per cent in 2018. There was a decline in
compared with 98 per cent in 2018. the performance on Module 1, Law of Tort, with 76 per cent of
candidates achieving Grades A–C compared with 80 per cent
Sixty-eight per cent of the candidates achieved Grades I–V,
compared with 75 per cent in 2018. Candidates’ performance LITERATURES IN ENGLISH
in 2019 significantly improved across Paper 01 but declined In Unit 1, candidates’ performance at the acceptable Grades,
across Paper 020, compared with 2018. I–V, declined by 3 per cent in 2019 compared with 2018. In
2019, 95 per cent of the candidates achieved acceptable
LAW Grades, I–V, compared with 98 per cent in 2018.
In Unit 1, there was a decline in the overall performance in 2019
compared with 2018. Eighty-nine per cent of the candidates Performance on Module 1, Drama, declined by 6 per cent at
achieved acceptable Grades, I–V, compared with 92 per cent Grades A–E. In 2019, 88 per cent of the candidates achieved
in 2018. This decline was most evident at the Grade II level Grades A–E compared with 94 per cent in 2018. Performance
where 22 per cent of candidates achieved this grade compared on both Module 2, Poetry and Module 3, Prose Fiction, also
with 26 per cent in 2018. The decline in performance on this declined by 3 per cent. The number of candidates achieving
Unit was also evident on both Modules 2 and 3, Principles of Grades A–E in 2019 on Module 2 was 92 per cent compared
Public Law and Criminal Law, respectively. In 2019, 49 per with 95 per cent in 2018. On Module 3, 94 per cent of the
cent of candidates achieved profile Grades A–C on Module 2, candidates achieved Grades A–E in 2019 compared with 97
down from 56 per cent in 2018 and for Module 3, 66 per cent, per cent in 2018.
down from 75 per cent in 2018. The performance on Module 1,
Caribbean Legal Systems was consistent with 2018 as 76 per In Unit 2, candidates’ performance declined by 2 per cent at
cent of candidates achieved Grades A–C. the acceptable grades. In 2019, 95 per cent of the candidates
achieved Grades I–V, compared with 97 per cent in 2018.
For Unit 2, the overall performance showed an increase Performance on Module 1, Drama was the same over the two-
over 2018, as 91 per cent of candidates achieved Grades year period. Ninety-five per cent of the candidates achieved
I–V compared with 86 per cent in 2018. This increase was acceptable grades, A–E, in 2019 and 2018. Performance on
most evident at Grades II and III. Twenty-four per cent of the Module 2, Poetry, declined by 4 per cent. In 2019, 90 per cent