Page 23 - 2019 CXC Annual Report
P. 23
World Class Exams – Suite of Qualifications
Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE )
Performance on Paper 03 was similar across the two Units, CHEMISTRY
with 97 per cent of candidates achieving acceptable grades in For Unit 1, the percentage of candidates achieving acceptable
Unit 1 and 95 per cent in Unit 2. Grades, I–V, was 87 per cent, which showed a decline
compared with 92 per cent in 2018. There was a decline in the
Option B mean score for Paper 01, the Multiple-Choice Paper and Paper
In Unit 1, 89 per cent of candidates achieved acceptable 02, the Structured Essay, compared with 2018. There was
Grades, I–V. In Unit 2, 88 per cent of candidates achieved also a decline in the percentage of candidates who achieved
acceptable grades. Only three candidates achieved Grade I Grade I for Paper 01 compared with 2018.
in Unit 1 of this option and no candidate achieved Grade I in
Unit 2. For Unit 2, the percentage of candidates achieving acceptable
Grades, I–V, was 92 per cent in 2019 compared with 94 per
The performance on Paper 01 was a very good, with 91 per cent in 2018. However, there was an increase in the percentage
cent of candidates achieving acceptable Grades, I–V, on Unit 1 of candidates achieving Grade I compared with 2018. The
and 94 per cent on Unit 2. Performance on Paper 02 for both mean score for Paper 01 increased when compared with the
Units was unsatisfactory, with 11 per cent and less than one per previous year. There was also an increase in the mean score
cent of candidates achieving acceptable grades, respectively, for Module 2, Analytical Methods and Separation Techniques,
in Units 1 and 2. Performance on Paper 03 was consistent compared with the previous year.
across the two Units, with 94 per cent of candidates achieving
acceptable Grades, I–V, in both units COMMUNICATION STUDIES
The overall results for 2019 were consistent with 2018, with 96
CARIBBEAN STUDIES per cent of the candidates achieving acceptable Grades, I–V,
Candidates’ performance for 2019 was consistent with that of in both years.
2018 as 97 per cent achieved acceptable Grades, I–V. There
was a noticeable increase in the number of candidates who While there was an improved performance on Module 2,
achieved Grade I: 27 per cent in 2019 compared with 17 per Language and Community, there was a decline on Modules 1
cent in 2018. and 3, Gathering and Processing Information and Speaking and
Writing, respectively. For Module 2, 56 per cent of candidates
Candidates’ performance also showed an improvement across achieved Grades A-C compared with 46 per cent in 2018. For
all three profiles. The percentage of candidates achieving Module 1, the figure declined from 59 to 49 per cent and for
Grades A–C on Module 1, Caribbean Society and Culture, Module 3 there was a decline from 65 to 59 per cent.
increased from 60 per cent in 2018 to 65 per cent in 2019;
for Module 2, Issues in Caribbean Development, there was an COMPUTER SCIENCE
increase from 41 to 54 per cent and for Module 3, Investigating Overall, as in 2018, 93 per cent of candidates achieved
Issues in the Caribbean, there was an increase from 81 to 87 acceptable Grades, I–V. The performance improved on
per cent. Module 3, Programming, but there was a slight decline on
Modules 1 and 2, Computer Architecture and Organisation and
Problem-Solving with Computers, respectively.