Page 21 - 2019 CXC Annual Report
P. 21

World Class Exams – Suite of Qualifications

            Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE )

            SYNOPSES FOR CAPE® 2019                             this year compared with 2018. Candidates’ best performance
                                                                was noted on Module 1, Agriculture and the Environment, and
            ACCOUNTING                                          candidates’  weakest  performance  was  noted  on  Module  3,
            In Unit 1, 88 per cent of the candidates achieved acceptable   Livestock Products and Innovation.
            Grades,  I–V,  in  2019  compared  with  83  per  cent  in 2018.
            There was a marginal improved performance on Module 2,   ANIMATION AND GAME DESIGN
            Preparation of Financial Statements and Module 3, Financial   One  hundred  and  twelve  candidates  wrote  the  Unit  1
            Reporting and Interpretation, and a decline on Module 1,   examination in 2019 compared with 83 in 2018 and 100 in 2017.
            Accounting Theory, when compared with the performance in   One hundred per cent of the candidates achieved acceptable
            2018.                                               Grades, I–V, compared with 91 per cent in 2018.  Candidates
                                                                performed  best  on Module  1,  Understanding  Animation
            In Unit 2, 80 per cent of the candidates achieved acceptable   and Game Design, while Module 3, Story and Character
            Grades, I–V, in 2019 compared with 82 per cent in 2018.  There   Development, proved the most challenging.
            was an improvement in the performance on Module 3, Planning
            and  Decision  Making,  while  the performance  on  Module 1,   Fifty-three candidates wrote the Unit 2 examination in 2019.
            Costing  Principles,  was  consistent  with  the  performance  in   One hundred per cent of the candidates achieved acceptable
            2018. There was, however, a decline in the performance on   Grades, I–V, compared with 98 per cent in 2018. Candidates
            Module 2, Costing Systems, compared with the performance   performed best on Module 2, Game Design and Development,
            in 2018.                                            while Module 1, Introduction to Interactive Design, proved the
                                                                most challenging.
            In Unit 1, there was a decline in performance in 2019 compared   The  performance  of  candidates  in  the School-Based
            with 2018. Eighty-eight per cent of the candidates achieved   Assessment component was satisfactory and some of the
            acceptable Grades, I–V, compared with 93 per cent in 2018.   projects submitted in both Units were very creative.
            There was a decline in candidates’ performance on Module
            1,  The  Science  and  Business  of  Agriculture,  and  Module  3,   APPLIED MATHEMATICS
            Postharvest Technology, when compared with 2018. However,   In Unit 1, there was a decline in performance in 2019 compared
            there was a marginal improvement on Module 2, Horticulture   with 2018. The percentage of candidates achieving acceptable
            and Management. Candidates’ best performance was noted   Grades, I–V, was 84 per cent compared with 92 per cent in
            on Module 3 and candidates’ weakest performance was noted   2018. There was a decline in candidates’ performance across
            on Module 1.                                        all Modules this year, compared with 2018.  Candidates’
                                                                best performance was noted on Module 1, Collecting and
            In Unit 2, there was an improvement in candidates’   Describing Data, and candidates’ weakest performance was
            performance in 2019. Ninety-five per cent of the candidates   noted on Module 3, Analysing and Interpreting Data.
            achieved acceptable Grades, I–V, compared with 88 per cent
            in 2018.  There was improved performance across all Modules

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