Page 4 - 2019 CXC Annual Report
P. 4



            Chairman’s Statement

                                                                As CXC celebrates the 40  anniversary
                                                                of CSEC®  examinations, it is only fitting
                                                                that I acknowledge from the outset of this

                                                                report the contribution of all those who
                                                                played a role in establishing this Council
                                                                –  the  founding  fathers,  governments,
                                                                the various ministries, teachers, Council

                                                                members and staff (past and present),
                                                                parents, and students – all stakeholders
                                                                who have been steadfast in their support
                                                                of CXC® throughout the years. I salute you!

                                                                It was forty years ago when the Council offered five subjects
                                                                during the first ever sitting of the examination. At that time,
                                                                30,276 candidates from 14 Participating Territories wrote
                                                                exams in: Caribbean History, English Language, Geography,
                                                                Integrated Science and Mathematics. Today, the number of
                                                                registered candidates has more than quadrupled to 122,813
                                                                from 16 Participating Territories, writing exams across 32
                                                                subject areas.

                                                                As an organisation, we have travelled a road of discovery,
                                                                innovation and creativity, which required courage. This
                                                                report and previous reports map our achievements and
                                                                challenges over the years, whilst offering us the opportunity
                                                                to set a clearer vision of the direction we intend to travel.
                                                                Technology continues to drive efficiencies and makes us
                                                                more accessible and responsive to our stakeholders.

                                                                Earlier this year, CXC signed Memorandum of Understandings
                                                                (MOUs) with the Northern Caribbean University (NCU), and

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