Page 5 - 2019 CXC Annual Report
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As an organisation, we have travelled a road of discovery,
innovation and creativity, which required courage.
the College of Agriculture, Science and Education (CASE) in In this year’s CSEC® examinations, noted trends include
Jamaica. The signing of these MOUs will facilitate working a decline in some of the social sciences subjects while
collaboratively to ensure advanced standing to prospective improvements continue to be observed in sciences and
candidates who present the CXC Associate Degree (CXC®- technical and vocational subjects.
AD) to NCU, and prospective students who present Caribbean
Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE®) certifications, the There was also a notable upward movement in Chemistry
CXC®-AD/or relevant CAPE® Units, when enrolling at CASE. where the performance increased 13 per cent over 2018
CXC continues to work with institutions across the region and from 61 per cent to 74 per cent. The performance in Physics
internationally to increase access to higher education for our improved by four per cent from 69 percent in 2018 to 73 per
learners. cent in 2019.
Dr Wayne Wesley, our new Registrar and CEO, has started a I was particularly pleased to hear that CXC had taken part in the
programme of stakeholder consultations and engagement Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC), and
with employees, ministries of education, permanent the USAID 3rd Programme Advisory Committee (PAC) meeting
secretaries, education officers, local registrars, and employers of the USAID Climate Change Adaptation Program (CCAP) in
from member states and internationally, as he seeks their Saint Lucia in October. Climate change is a real threat to the
input in preparation for the 2021-2025 Strategic Plan. These region and our livelihood. Let us continue to work together
engagements will continue to increase CXC’s reach and as a region and take a multifaceted approach towards climate
standing across the globe, as we cement relationships for the change mitigation.
good of the people of the region.
I acknowledge, and thank the staff of CXC for their sterling
In relation to the May/June 2019 CAPE® examination results, contribution and professionalism as they continue to deliver a
among the new generation subjects, some have shown a first class service to all our stakeholders.
decline in the percentage of students who have achieved
acceptable grades, however, despite this, the performance Blessings!
generally remains above average, with 80 per cent to 100 per
cent of candidates achieving acceptable grades. Professor Sir Hilary Beckles