Page 8 - 2019 CXC Annual Report
P. 8


            World Class Exams

            Examinations Administration and Security (EAS)

            Strategic Overview                                      The  e-SBA  application  was  enhanced  to  allow  greater
            The strategic objectives for the period 2018-2020 are:   flexibility for the submission of scores and electronic
            1.   To strengthen our business model through diversification   samples.  Users were able to upload scores via a pre-
               of our examinations portfolio, segment profile and   populated spreadsheet, a feature which was welcomed
               geographic markets.                                  by teachers with large numbers of students.  The upload
            2.  To secure financial stability through sustainable revenue   of samples was also improved since the process included
               growth; increased efficiency and expense management.  a “drag and drop” feature for moving files from storage to
            3.  To deliver an enhanced stakeholder experience through   the ORS; and users were also able to view the files which
               investment in the right people, consistent use of    were uploaded and could verify that the correct file was
               technology and adherence to quality standards        submitted.  These features were welcomed by the users.
                                                                    Some centres experienced issues which were resolved
            The Examinations Administration and Security Division (EAS)   by the technical team. Training will be provided before the
            identified and prioritised activities to strengthen the product   next cycle.
            offering, reduce the cost of operations in the delivery of
            services to our stakeholders and contribute to the overall      More subjects completed marking by the stipulated
            improvement of the Council’s operation.                 deadlines when compared with 2018.  A few continued
                                                                    past the deadline and one subject continued into August.
            Operational Efficiency                                  EAS will continue to work with the specific subjects to
            1.   While the same number of components were offered on   ensure timely completion of marking.
               the e-testing platform in 2018 and 2019, the number of
               participating territories and the number of candidates   Strengthen Business Model
               increased in 2018, resulting in a 174 per cent increase in   Support for the expansion of product offerings continued with
               the number of examinations sat in electronic mode over   the management of the Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados and
               May-June 2018.                                   Guyana national examinations.

               The Division provided support for this activity by arranging   In keeping with the organisation’s plan to acquire ISO 9001
               orientation/training  for Local Registrars and Invigilators   certification, the Division continued its work on process reform.
               in all participating territories via webinar and virtual
               meetings.  An EAS Officer presented on e-testing at the   Stakeholder Engagement
               27th Biennial Conference of the Caribbean Association   The monthly meetings with Local Registrars were maintained
               of Principals of Secondary Schools (CAPSS) which was   to help improve stakeholder engagement.  Meetings were also
               convened in St. Vincent and the Grenadines in July 2019.    convened with individual Local Registrars to gain insight into
               At the request of the Ministry of Education, EAS Staff also   the specific needs of each Local Registrar and identify areas
               conducted training in Jamaica, in August.        where specific support may be required.

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