Page 75 - 2019 CXC Annual Report Flipbook
P. 75


            Teacher Training and Orientation Workshops

            The Caribbean Examinations Council, in keeping with its   Fourteen interventions across four departments have been
            mandate to assist teachers in the delivery of new and revised   identified for pilot/implementation on the CXC-LI. Syllabus
            syllabuses has, over the years, partnered with Ministries of   and Curriculum Development, Examinations Preparation
            Education across the region to facilitate face-to-face Teacher   and Development, Human Resources and Examinations
            Orientation Workshops in Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados,   and Security are the departments currently working with the
            Guyana, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago.  However, at the   Instructional Designer to create/repurpose workshop modules
            meeting of the Sub-Committee of the School Examinations   (School-Based Assessments [SBAs] and Teacher Orientation
            Committee (SUBSEC) in October 2018, approval was granted   Workshops [TOWs]) and other short training interventions for
            for Teacher Orientation Workshops (TOWs) to be conducted   delivery via the Institute. It is expected that these initiatives will
            online through the CXC® Learning Institute, which will serve as   be offered between January and April 2020.
            the training arm of the CXC®.
                                                                TENTATIVE TRAINING SCHEDULE –
            Consequently, effective 2019, TOWs for the newly developed   JANUARY TO APRIL 2020
            or recently revised syllabuses offered using a combination of
            synchronous and asynchronous modalities.             EVENT #                   TITLE

                                                                     1     SBA Workshop – CSEC English
                                                                    2      SBA Workshop – CSEC Math
            Work is steadily progressing on the CXC® Learning Institute
            (CXC-LI). It is expected that by between early and mid-January   3  SBA Workshop – CAPE Accounting
            2020, the Institute will be ready for the piloting of training   4  TOW – CAPE Logistics and Supply Chain
            interventions and other stakeholder activities.                Operations
                                                                    5      TOW – CCSLC Digital Literacy
            Notesmaster Caribbean Ltd continues development of the   6     TOW – CAPE Performing Arts (Cinematic Art)
            CXC-LI portal. Beginning December 2, 2019, weekly updates   7  TOW – CAPE Performing Arts (Business)
            and summaries with links to the updated portal will be shared   8  TOW – CSEC Music
            with CXC® for input and monitoring purposes.            9      CVQ – Portfolio Development Workshop

                                                                    10     Examination Committee Training
                                                                    11     Moderators Training
                                                                    12     Item Writing Workshop
                                                                    13     Customer Service
                                                                    14     Ethics

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