Page 78 - 2019 CXC Annual Report Flipbook
P. 78
Public Relations and Stakeholder Relationship Management
Advocacy and Outreach
REGISTRAR’S ENGAGEMENTS* May The Registrar conducted stakeholder
February The Registrar attended the CARICOM IMPACS 1 – 3 meetings and met with Minister of Education,
4 – 8 Private Security Workshop. Thereafter, he Grenada Human Resource Development and Religious
Trinidad held several stakeholder meetings with the Affairs, Honourable Emmalin Pierre and the
following groups Management and Technical Staff at the Ministry.
• the T & T Unified Teachers’ Association He also visited several schools and met with
• the National Parent Teachers’ Association Principals and Senior Teachers regarding
• the Secondary School Principals CXC’s proposed transition to full e-Testing
• the Permanent Secretary and Technical 16 – 17 Meetings were convened with
Officers at the Ministry of Education
USA • Dr Larry Rice President of the North Miami
19 – 22 The Registrar attended the 4 OECS Council of Campus, Johnson & Wales University to
Antigua Ministers of Education meeting introduce the utility of the CXC® Food and
Nutrition subject offering. The probable
outcome of the meeting would be an
March The Registrar met with the Trinidad and Tobago
articulation agreement with the University
22 Teachers’ Association and presented on CXC’s
regarding a scholarship opportunity for
Trinidad e-Testing methodologies
eligible candidates
• The Barbados Consulate in Miami to
25 – 28 The Registrar conducted a three-day meeting
discuss promotion of the CXC® offerings
Jamaica segment with the Council’s business partners.
to the diaspora in the Florida to Texas
An overview was given of CXC’s 2020 strategic
catchment area
goals and the mechanics of the Learning
Hub were demonstrated. There was fruitful 20 At the invitation of the Secretary-General, the
discussion and the decisions and next steps Guyana Registrar represented CXC® at the 9th Meeting
from the meeting can be found in the minutes of the Secretary-General of CARICOM and
of the meeting file in CXC’s central repository Heads of Community Institutions
April The Registrar convened stakeholder 21 A meeting was convened with the Vice
29 March – engagement meetings with members of the Guyana Chancellor et al of the University of Guyana
3 April Jamaica Employers’ Federation, the Jamaica (UG) and the matters discussed included the
Jamaica Teachers’ Association, the Jamaica Association following:
of Principals of Secondary Schools (JAPSS) • an offer from the UG to award the Walter
and the National Parent Teachers’ Association Rodney History Award at the CSEC® level
of Jamaica on an annual basis
• CXC® e-Certificates
22 – 26 The Registrar attended the annual Jamaica
• advanced study for students with the
Jamaica Teachers’ Association meeting in Montego
CXC® Associate-Degree (CXC®-AD)
Bay and shared regarding CXC’s e-Marking
• CXC’s 2020 Strategy
methodology and its proposed transition to full
Registrar’s Engagements* from February to July 2019 were conducted by Mr Glenroy Cumberbatch, former Registrar and CEO.