Page 83 - 2019 CXC Annual Report Flipbook
P. 83

Public Relations and Stakeholder Relationship Management

            Stakeholder Engagement

            CXC® hosts Summer Education Boot Camp               US Embassy Education Fair supported by CXC®
            As a part of its Corporate Social Responsibility and Outreach   In October 2019, Corporate Communications Manager, Richard
            programme, the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC®)   Rose attended the United States Embassy’s College Fair at the
            hosted a Summer Boot Camp for students from the Upper   Lloyd Erskine Sandiford Centre, St Michael, Barbados. The
            Room Community Church’s afterschool  programme in   event which attracted 100s of students, showcased American
            Kingston, Jamaica from 12 – 23 August 2019.         universities seeking to attract students from the Caribbean.

            The programme was designed to expose and equip students   The event was as an opportunity to engage in discussions with
            for emerging careers that are aligned to the  CXC® New   several universities about working in partnerships with CXC®
            Generation offerings. Boys and girls between the ages of 13   to help students make a smooth transition when transferring
            and 15, learned t also provided students with an opportunity   with a CSEC® or CAPE® qualification  to degree-granting
            to be exposed to the fields of Animation and Digital Content   institutions.
            Development. These areas were specifically chosen as they
            have been identified as skills required for emerging 21st   CXC® is stepping up its campaign to formalise partnerships with
            Century jobs.  Additionally, these areas provide opportunities   institutions, which attract Caribbean students by establishing
            for monetizing assets/products developed resulting in   Articulation Agreements.
            potential entrepreneurial ventures for programme participants.
            The students were taught how to create storyboards and fun   College of Agriculture, Science and Education to Award
            videos using flipbook and stop animation. Each participant   Transfer Credits for CAPE® and CXC®-AD
            was awarded a certificate of completion, and in an unexpected   The Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC®) and the College
            gesture from the CXC®, they were each presented with the   of Agriculture, Science and Education (CASE) in Jamaica,
            tablets to keep, which they had used during the camp.  signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), which grants
                                                                advanced  standing  to prospective students  who  present
            Soft Skills Development for Students at the Ellerslie School,   Caribbean  Advanced Proficiency  Examination  (CAPE®)
            Barbados                                            certifications, the  CXC® Associate Degree and/or relevant
            In April, Marketing Manager, Andrea Austin, conducted a   CAPE Units, when enrolling at the College.
            seminar on “Time Management” at The Ellerslie School in
            Barbados. A mixture of students in the school’s first and second   CASE provides instruction primarily in the fields of agriculture,
            cohorts of sixth form students received tips and pointers on   science, technology, education, business, hospitality, tourism
            scheduling, studying and balancing extracurricular activities,   and social work.  CXC® seeks to offer learners increased
            as they prepare for  the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency   access to higher education opportunities across the globe,
            Examination (CAPE®). As part of their examination preparation,   through agreements such as this which recognise the merit of
            the Marketing Manager also shared information on  CXC’s   CXC® certifications.
            support resources such as past papers and study guides.

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