Page 79 - 2019 CXC Annual Report Flipbook
P. 79

Public Relations and Stakeholder Relationship Management

            Advocacy and Outreach

            June        The Registrar represented  CXC®  at the 49
            4 – 6       (2019)  Annual  Meeting  of  the  Caribbean
            Trinidad    Development Board of Governors

            17 – 20     The Registrar attended the conference hosted
            Trinidad    by the Caribbean Public Health Agency
                        [CARPHA] Meeting
            26          The Registrar led a CXC® team to a meeting
            Barbados    with the CARICOM Secretariat CSME Unit to
                        discuss the inter-connectivity and co-existent
                        benefits between the  CXC®  certification and
                        the CARICOM Skills Certificate

            July        The Registrar together with a  CXC®  team
            22 – 26     attended the Caribbean Association of
            Jamaica     Principals of Secondary Schools (CAPSS) 28
                        Biennial Conference.  The Registrar presented
                        on the topic “CXC®  and Technology” in
                        alignment with the conference  theme
                        “Technology Infused Education in the 21st   Dr  Wayne  Wesley being congratulated on his appointment  as
                        Century Caribbean”.  Other team members   Registrar and CEO of CXC, by Dr Randy Bennett, President,
                        conducted orientation sessions on the   International Association for Educational Assessment (IAEA) at
                        e-Marking and e-Testing processes and the   their  Annual  Board  Meeting  in  Baku, Azerbaijan  in  September
                        functioning of the CXC® Learning Hub    2019

            August      The Registrar accompanied a  CXC®  team
                                                                11          The Registrar attended the meeting of the
            9           to attend the 2019 official release of results
                                                                Barbados    Civil Society Advisory Council (ConSOC).  The
            Montserrat  ceremony
                                                                            role of the ConSOC is to provide a forum
                                                                            for exchanging information, strengthening
            September   The Registrar conducted in-house strategic
                                                                            dialogue and for carrying out consultations
            2 – 6       management sessions where key staff
                                                                            between the IDB and the stakeholder groups
                        members were exposed to the characteristics
                                                                            that  are  pertinent  to  the  Bank’s  work  in  all
                        of the Balanced Score Card and were trained
                                                                            countries where it functions
                        in its application in relation to CXC’s Business,
                        Stakeholder and Financial Strategies    23 – 27     The Registrar represented  CXC®  at the 45
                                                                Baku,       International Association for Educational
                                                                Azerbaijan  Assessment (IAEA) Conference

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