Page 10 - The Woman of the Night
P. 10

The Woman of the Night

         It  started  to  rain  heavily,  and  the  sound  of  the
         water dropping from the roof of the banquet hall

         sent chills around the room. Nigel decided to slip

         out  of  the  party  and  go  and  look  for  Craig.    He

         searched every part of the village for Craig, feeling

         crushed  with  every  moment  of  being  unable  to
         find  him.  He  decided  to  check  Craig’s  house,  he

         walked up the dreary path hoping to find his sick

         friend, but instead he saw funny looking footprints

         that were partially washed away by the rain. On his

         return to the party, he paid even closer attention
         to Reysher.

         When the party ended, Kalil was still enchanted by

         Reysher’s beauty.  she asked if he would do her the

         honor of walking her home and with him being as

         smitten  as  he  was,  he  did  not  hesitate  to  agree.
         They  started  walking  away  from  the  departing

         crowd and walked towards a windy road that led

         into a tall cane field.

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