Page 4 - The Woman of the Night
P. 4

The Woman of the Night
                 ne of the most infamous stories, that haunted
          the  minds  of    most  Grenadians    took  place  on

          October  30th,  1972,  when  fishermen,  Craig

          Robert and Kalil Lesson, were lured to their death

          by  a  charming  young  lady.    It  all  started  at  the

          annual  fisherman  banquet,  an  event  that  would
          cause every fisherman in Grenada, Carriacou and

          Petite  Martinique  to  gather.  The  night  was  cold,

          and  the  air  was  crisp,  the  darkness  of  the  night

          draped over the village of Black Bay as all of the

          men  and  women  hustled  to  get  ready  for  the
          night’s events.

          As  Craig  and  Kalil  headed  to  the  party,  Kalil

          noticed that the surrounding  did not feel normal,

          he  dismissed  the  feeling  when  they  arrived.  The
          two  men  greeted  everyone  as  they  danced

          around  the  dance  floor,  they  waltzed  for  hours

          until a mysterious, yet stunning woman walked in,

          centering the attention of the entire crowd on to

          herself.    Her  white  laced  frock  draped  over  her
          slender  frame  and  gently  touched  the  ground,

          long black hair perfectly curled rested on her

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