Page 8 - The Wrong Funeral
P. 8

The Wrong Funeral

         “Oh”, she replied, “I was here you know.  I just sat

         in  the  back.    I  couldn’t  face  this  one.    My  best
         friend dead, I forced myself to be here”.

         “Doh  stay  too  long  or  you  go  hear  voices”,  he

         chuckled.  She laughed as well.  They strolled to

         the  happy  hour  together  and  had  a  grand  time.
         They  ate,  drank  and  had  a  conversation  about

         Roberta’s  last  days.    “What  an  experience”,  she

         whispered softly as she lay in her bed that night.

         Jadia Adams
         Beacon Junior

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