Page 106 - 2020 CXC Annual Report
P. 106
Public Relations and Stakeholder Relationship Management
Stakeholder Engagement
Ms Taitt shared information about the Caribbean Certificate
of Secondary Level Competence® (CCSLC®), Caribbean
Secondary Education Certificate® (CSEC®), Caribbean
Vocational Qualification (CVQ*) and Caribbean Advanced
Proficiency Examination® (CAPE®) as well as a range of new
generation CAPE® subjects including Tourism. Students in
attendance were either already involved in hospitality studies
or were at a pivot al stage, where they would soon be making
decisions about CXC® certifications.
ACCA Most Outstanding Candidate for Principles of
Accounts receives award
Dr Carol Granston, Pro-Registrar and Deputy CEO, CXC®
(left) and Maria Sookdeo, Manager – Partner Relations &
Communications of ACCA Caribbean (2nd from right) paid a
visit to Rhea-Simone Lawrence, student of the St Andrew High
School for Girls, on 29 January 2020 to present her with the
award for being the Most Outstanding Candidate in the 2019
May-June CSEC® Principles of Accounts examination.
CXC® qualifications on display at Hilton Career Showcase,
Over 200 secondary and primary students learned more about
CXC’s certifications when Public Relations & Marketing Officer,
Folayan Taitt, attended a career showcase coordinated by the
Blue Energy Committee of the Hilton Barbados Resort.
Rhea-Simone was proudly joined by her father, Wray
Lawrence and Acting Principal, Keeva Ingram.