Page 107 - 2020 CXC Annual Report
P. 107
Public Relations and Stakeholder Relationship Management
Stakeholder Engagement
CXC® discusses CCSLC® at Annual PTA meeting in Barbados
CXC® responded to an invitation from the Combermere
School Parent Teachers’ Association in Barbados, to make a
presentation on the Caribbean Certificate of Secondary Level
Competence® (CCSLC®) at their annual general meeting on 1
February 2020.
Dr James Young, Manager, Measurement and Evaluation,
Examination Development and Production Department (EDPD)
and Mr Richard Rose, Corporate Communications Manager
participated in the event. Dr Young walked participants through
Ms Vilma Fuentes, Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs,
a presentation explaining the benefits of the CCSLC® as a Santa Fe College, USA; Mr Larry Socha, Public Affairs Officer, U.S.
secondary level qualification, aimed at preparing candidates Embassy Bridgetown, Dr James Young, Manager, Measurement
for further study or entry-level employment. and Evaluation, EDPD, CXC® and Mr Richard Rose, Corporate
Communications Manager, CXC®.
During a lively question and answer session, the team shared CXC® meets with US Embassy Officials and visiting HE
information about CCSLC® and other qualifications in CXC’s Administrators
suite, which are recognised both regionally and internationally Corporate Communications Manager, Richard Rose and Dr
for matriculation to higher education programmes across James Young, Manager, Measurement and Evaluation, EDPD
the world. The CCSLC® is awarded jointly by CXC® and the attended a meeting with US Embassy officials and a visiting
Ministry of Education in respective territories. senior higher education administrator to discuss CXC’s role
in the Caribbean and possibilities for collaborative working
CXC® Western Zone Office supports Wolmer’s Boys School through articulation agreements.
Career Day
Members of the Western Zone Office in Jamaica, participated Ms Vilma Fuentes, Assistant Vice President for Academic
in the Wolmer’s Boys School Career Day for Grade 9 (3rd Affairs, Santa Fe College, USA; Mr Larry Socha, Public Affairs
Form) students on 25 February 2020. Officer, and Ms Amanda Martinez, Information Resource Center
Coodinator from U.S. Embassy Bridgetown participated in the
The Career Day was held to share information on the meeting.
requirements for various career fields. Our team provided
guidance on the subjects and certifications currently offered CXC® has been working with institutions which attract
by the organisation. The team focused on introducing students Caribbean students to establish articulation agreements. An
and parents to the CXC® Associate Degree. Our booth also articulation agreement is an officially approved agreement
featured information on our wide range of qualifications, that matches coursework between schools/institutions. These
the new generation Caribbean Advanced Proficiency are designed to help students make a smooth transition when
Examination® (CAPE®) subjects and demonstrations of the transferring with a CXC® CSEC® or CAPE® qualification to a
new CXC® Learning Hub e-Platform – degree-granting institution.