Page 25 - 2020 CXC Annual Report
P. 25

World Class Exams – Suite of Qualifications

            Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE )

            GEOGRAPHY                                           There was an improvement in the performance of the
            Unit 1                                              candidates on the Paper 01 when compared to 2019 and 2018.
            Ninety-nine per cent of the candidates earned acceptable   There was a slight decrease in the candidate’s performance
            grades I-V. This is consistent with the previous two years   on the Paper 03 (SBA) in 2020 when compared to 2019 and
            where candidates earned 99.07 percent and 98.77 percent in   2018. The Paper 02 was not administered in 2020.
            2019 and 2018 respectively.
                                                                Unit 2
            Unit 2                                              In 2020, 659 candidates wrote the CAPE History Unit 2
            For Unit 2 a similar performance was seen where 98.29 per   Examination when compared to 804 in 2019 and 781 in 2018.
            cent of the candidates earned acceptable grades I-V. This is   There was an overall improvement in candidate’s performance
            also consistent with the previous two years where candidates   in 2020 where the percentage  of acceptable Grades I – V
            earned 98 per cent and 98.86 per cent in 2019 and 2018   increased to 90 per cent, compared to 80 per cent in 2019
            respectively.                                       and 87 per cent in 2018.

            GREEN ENGINEERING                                   There was an improvement in the performance of the
            Unit 1                                              candidates on the Paper 01 when compared to 2019 and 2018.
            Approximately 91% of the candidates achieved a passing   There was a slight decrease in the candidate’s performance
            grade, Grades I-V, in 2020.  This is a slight decline from 2019   on the Paper 03 (SBA) in 2020 when compared to 2019 and
            where 92% of the candidates received a passing grade.    2018. The Paper 02 was not administered in 2020.

            Unit 2                                              INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY
            Unit 2 experienced a decrease in the number of candidates   Unit 1
            achieving a passing grade from 97% in 2019 to 89% in 2020.    In  2020,  approximately  1428  candidates  wrote  Unit  1
                                                                examination, which was an increase from   approximately 1361
            The total number of candidates writing the examination   candidates in 2019.
            declined for Unit 1 and more than doubled for Unit 2.
                                                                Of these candidates, 94.2 per cent earned acceptable Grades
            HISTORY                                             I-V compared to 93.8 per cent who earned similar grades in
            Unit 1                                              2019.There was a slight improvement in performance across
            In 2020, 788 candidates wrote the CAPE History Unit 1   Grades I –III in 2020, with 60.02 per cent of candidates
            Examination  compared  to 765 in 2019  and 10630 in  2018.    obtaining these grades compared to 58.20 per cent in 2019.
            There was an improvement in the performance of the   There was a comparable performance in the Grade I band in
            candidates taking the 2019 examination. The percentage of   2020, with 13.03 per cent of the candidates earning Grade I
            candidates achieving Grades I – V in 2020 was 91 per cent,   compared to 13.83 per cent of the candidates in 2019.
            which is comparable to of 2019 and 2018

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