Page 28 - 2020 CXC Annual Report
P. 28


            World Class Exams – Suite of Qualifications

            Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE )

            PERFORMING ARTS                                     In  2020,  one candidate  earned  Grade  I; 3 earned  Grade  II, 2
            Unit 1 – Business for the Arts                      earned Grade III and I earned Grade IV.
            One hundred and thirty-two candidates registered for the
            examination in 2020 compared with 117 in 2019. Candidates’   PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORT
            performance in 2020 declined.  Approximately 94 per cent of   Unit 1
            the candidates earned Grades I–V compared with 97 per cent   The number of candidates gaining Grades I–III was 59.32 per
            in 2018 and 2019. There was a sharp increase in the number of   cent compared to 55.41 per cent in 2019 and 52.33 per cent in
            candidates who earned Grade I.                      2018.

            Unit 2                                              The number of candidates gaining Grades I-V was 99.39 per
            Option A – Cinematic Arts                           cent compared to 98.33 per cent  in 2019 and 98.79 per cent
            Seven candidates registered for the examination in 2020, an   in 2018.
            increase of 1 from 2019.  However, one candidate was absent
            for the examination. As in 2018 and 2019, one hundred per   Unit 2
            cent of the candidates earned acceptable grades in 2020.    The  number  of  candidates  gaining  Grades  I–III  was  88.15  per
            The grades of the six candidates are as follows:  1 candidate   cent compared to 83.64 per cent in 2019 and 68.98 per cent in
            earned Grade I, 4 earned Grade II and 1 earned Grade III.    2018.

            Option B – Dance                                    The number of candidates gaining Grades I-V was 99.33 per cent
            Twenty–one candidate registered for the examination this   compared to 98.53 per cent in 2019 and 99.56 per cent in 2018.
            year. Three candidates were absent for the examination. Of
            the 15 candidates graded, 2 earned Grade I, 2 earned Grade   PHYSICS
            II, 4 Grade III and 3 Grade V. No candidate earned Grade IV.   This was the second examination of the revised syllabus.
                                                                Unit 1
            Option C – Drama                                    In 2020, the percentage of candidates earning acceptable
            Ninety-one candidates registered for the Drama examination   grades, Grades I–V was approximately 96.2 per cent, compared
            this year. Three were absent from the examination.  Ninety per   with 95.8 per cent in 2019 and 95.7 per cent in 2018.
            cent of the candidates earned Grades I–V in 2020 compared
            with 98 per cent in 2019 and 100 per cent in 2018.   Unit 2
                                                                In 2020, the percentage of candidates earning acceptable
            Option D – Music                                    grades, Grades I–V was approximately 95.8 per cent, compared
            Eight candidates registered for the Music examination in 2020   with 95.8 per cent in 2019 and 96.9 per cent in 2018.
            as opposed to fifteen in 2019.
                                                                For both Units, there was a small improvement in performance
            One hundred per cent of the candidates earned acceptable   on the multiple choice paper, Paper 01, while performance on the
            grades in the 2018, 2019 and 2020.                  School-Based Assessment, Paper 03 remained consistent over
                                                                last year.

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