Page 33 - 2020 CXC Annual Report
P. 33

World Class Exams – Suite of Qualifications

            Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC )

            ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT PREPARATION AND                 This performance reflects a steady increase in the percentage
            MANAGEMENT                                          of candidates earning Grades A-C in Profile 2 over the three
            In 2020, the performance of the candidates scoring the   years.
            acceptable Grades I–III was 95 per cent which is comparable
            to the 95 percent in 2019, however this was a decline from 98   ENGLISH B
            percent in 2018.                                    The number of candidates who achieved Grades I–III increased
                                                                in 2020 by approximately 14 per cent compared with 2019. In
            There was an overall improvement across all three profiles   2020, approximately 79 per cent of the candidates achieved
            when compared to 2019, with Profile 1 improving from a mean   Grades I–III compared with approximately 65 per cent in 2019.
            per cent of 52.12 in 2019 to 65.46, Profile 2 improving from a   Performance was however, consistent with that of 2018 when
            mean per cent of 53.15 in 2019 to 64.21 and Profile 3 improving   approximately 78 per of the candidates achieved Grades I–III.
            from a mean per cent of 59.30 in 2019 to 75.54 in 2020.
                                                                Performance in Profile 1, Drama, and Profile 2, Poetry, increased
            There was a slight improvement in the candidates’ performance   while performance in Profile 3 declined.
            on Paper 01, however there was a decline in performance on
            both the Paper 03 and Paper 032, when compared to 2019.    Approximately 81 per cent of the candidates achieved Grades
                                                                A-C in Profile 1 compared with approximately 63 per cent in
            ENGLISH A                                           2019.  This  increase  in  the  number  of candidates  achieving
            Approximately  82 per cent of the candidates  earned   Grades A-C was also noted in Profile 2. In 2020 approximately
            acceptable Grades, I–III in 2020 compared with approximately   77 per cent of the candidates achieved Grades A-C compared
            79 per cent in 2019 and 72 per cent in 2018.  This reflects   with approximately 64 per cent in 2019 and 67 per cent in 2018.
            a steady increase in the percentage of candidates earning
            acceptable grades.                                  Performance in Profile 3, in 2020 was lower than in Profile 1
                                                                and 2. Approximately 71 per cent  of the candidates earned
            In 2020, Profile 1 was assessed in Paper 01(Multiple Choice)   Grades A-C in 2020 compared with 63 per cent in 2019 and
            and Profile 2 in Paper 03 (SBA).                    77 per cent in 2018.

            The percentage of candidates earning Grades A-C in Profile   FAMILY AND RESOURCE MANAGEMENT
            1, Understanding, decreased compared with 2019 but was   This was the fourth examination of the revised syllabus.
            higher than 2018. In 2020, approximately 79 per cent of the
            candidates earned Grades A-C compared with approximately   In 2020, there has been an improvement in the overall
            83 per cent in 2019 and 76 per cent in 2018.        performance of candidates with approximately 85.5 percent
                                                                obtaining acceptable Grades I–IIII, compared  to 82.2 per
            Increased performance, however, was noted  in Profile  2,   cent in 2019 and 85.1 per cent in 2018. This improvement was
            Expression, at Grades A-C. Approximately 77 per cent of   evident mainly at the Grade I band.
            the candidates earned Grades A-C in 2020 compared with
            approximately 66 per cent in 2019 and 63 per cent in 2018.

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