Page 37 - 2020 CXC Annual Report
P. 37

World Class Exams – Suite of Qualifications

            Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC )

            RELIGIOUS EDUCATION                                 There was an improvement in the overall candidate
            Approximately 85 per cent of the candidates achieved Grades   performance on the 2020 examination. Sixty-nine per cent of
            I–III in 2020 compared with 75 per cent in 2019. This represents   candidates achieved Grades I–III compared with 65 per cent in
            an increase of approximately 10 per cent. The performance in   2019 and 63 per cent in 2018.
            2020 is quite consistent with that of 2018 when approximately
            86  per  cent of  the  candidates  achieved  acceptable  grades.   The performance on one Profile 1, Knowledge and
            The increase in overall performance in 2020 was noted at   Comprehension, was consistent with that of 2019, there was
            each of the acceptable grades: I, II and III.       an increase in the performance on Profile 2, Application,
                                                                Evaluation and Problem Solving. Approximately 75 per cent
            There was a sharp increase in the performance of Profile 1,   of  candidates  achieved  Grades  A-C  on  Profile  1,  a  figure
            Knowledge, in 2020. In 2019, approximately, 64 per cent of the   consistent with that in 2019. For Profile 2, approximately 52
            candidates earned Grades A-C compared with approximately   per cent of the candidates achieved Grades A-C an increase
            90 per cent in 2019 and 86 per cent in 2018. Without the   over the 44 per cent which achieved similar grades in 2019.
            administration of the Paper 02 this year, Profile 1, was assessed
            in Paper 010(multiple choice) only.                 SPANISH
                                                                In 2020, approximately 65 percent of the candidates achieved
            While performance in Profile 2, Interpretation and Analysis,   Grades I–III compared with 70 percent in 2019 and 2018.
            showed  an increase  at Grades  A-C,  performance in  Profile   There was improved performance on Profile 3 (Speaking). The
            3,  Application,  showed  a  sharp  decline. This pattern  of   performance on Profile 1 (Listening) was comparable to 2019,
            performance was also noted in 2019. In 2020, approximately   while there was a decline on Profile 2 (Reading) and Profile 4
            83 per cent of the candidates achieved Grades A-C in Profile   (Writing).
            2 compared with approximately 76 per cent in 2019 and 70
            per cent in 2018. In Profile 3, approximately 56 per cent of   Approximately 17 per cent of candidates received Grade I in
            the candidates earned Grades A-C in 2020 compared with   2020 compared to 23 per cent in 2019 and 22 per cent in
            approximately 82 per cent in 2019 and 90 per cent in 2018.   2018.
            Profile 2, was assessed in Paper 01(multiple choice) and
            03(SBA) and Profile 3 in Paper 03.                  TECHNICAL DRAWING
                                                                In 2020, the overall percentage of candidates achieving
            SOCIAL STUDIES                                      acceptable Grades I–III was comparable to previous years, as
            The number of candidates registered to sit the 2020 CSEC   evidenced by 76 per cent in 202, 75 per cent in 2019 and 71
            Social Studies remained consistent with the just over 42   per cent in 2018.
            000 candidate who registered for the 2019 sitting of the
            examination.                                        Approximately 19 per cent of candidates received Grade I in
                                                                2020 compared to 20 per cent in 2019 and 12 in 2018.

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