Page 41 - 2020 CXC Annual Report
P. 41

World Class Exams – Suite of Qualifications

            Caribbean Vocational Qualification* (CVQ)

            CVQ® EXAMINATIONS                                   3.  Table 3 lists the two most popular occupational areas and
            1.   In 2020, the number of registered candidates for CVQs   provides information on the entries.
               were 3,689 in 45 occupational areas. In 2019, 4,388   Table 3 - Entry data for most popular occupational areas:
               candidates registered to pursue CVQs in 46 occupational   Occupational Area       2018  2019  2020
               areas compared with 4 536 candidates in 47 occupational   Call/Contact Centre Operations  179  220  174
               areas in 2018.                                    Commercial Food Preparation      572  403   353
                                                                 Crop Production – Grow Box Operations  231  237  211
               Table 1 Compares registered candidates - 2016 to 2020.  Data Operations            315  304   250
            Table 1 - CVQ Candidate Entries 2016-2020            Electrical Installation          545  635   461
               TERRITORY         2016  2017  2018  2019  2020    Food and Drink Service           233  270   159
             1  Barbados          484  1338  883   805   460     Food Preparation and Cookery     103  339   150
             2  Dominica           28    11    5     7     4     General Cosmetology              302  254   245
             3  Grenada             0    0     11   42    17     Metalwork Engineering            253  292   183
             4  Jamaica           523   923  824   995   795     Welding                          187   143  149
             5  Saba                0    0     0     0     4
             6  St Lucia           15    0     0     0     0    During the CVQ* training programme, candidates along with
               St Vincent and the                               their teachers made decisions regarding the number of units
             7                     13    0     6     6     7
               Grenadines                                       they were realistically able to pursue. In some instances,
             8  Trinidad and Tobago  2726  2910  2776  2467  2339  candidates were able to complete all of the mandatory units
             9  Turks and Caicos    0    17    31   66    63    required to be awarded the full CVQ*. There were instances
               TOTAL             3789  5199  4536  4388  3689   in which some candidates, under the advice of their teachers,
                                                                completed some electives which their teachers deemed to be
            2.  Table 2 represents the CVQ territorial entries by Gender –   critical for the particular occupational area.
               June 2020
            Table 2 - CVQ Territorial Entries by Gender June 2020  In cases where candidates were unable to complete the
               TERRITORY                     FEMALES  MALES     required number of mandatory units, unit certification (transcript)
             1  Barbados                       212     248      was awarded in keeping with the principles of competency-
             2  Dominica                         3       1      based education and training. In 2020, 1833 transcripts were
             3  Grenada                          4      13      issued and 1479 certificates. These candidates can pursue
             4  Jamaica                        463     332      the incomplete units at a later date and, once successful, can
             5  Saba                             0       4      achieve a full CVQ®.
             6  St Vincent and Grenadines        4       3
             7  Trinidad and Tobago            935    1404
             8  Turks and Caicos                24      39
               TOTAL                          1645    2044

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